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Nokia N-Gage - Gaming Phone?


Have a look for yourself...
Think it will take of as a new handheld to rival the GBA?

Nokia has teamed up with a number of developers to ensure a number of titles, including a collaboration with Sega.

The new mobile is due for release February 2003.


Polish Emu Scene Member
Ang gues who will make games for the "thingy" ??




NAMCO(no link found but you can be sure of it:) )

Right now there are mobil phones with JAVA support in Japan , and there are already many many games on them (check the screen's )


The games are not free , but the cost is minimal (200-300 Yens)

Riped from Emu#Dreams < hit it if you know Polish ;]


The Soul Reaving Gentleman
I feel sorry for the person who tries to call while you b playing games :eek: :happy:

lol yes vampireuk Remeber those far off days when a phone was a plain old Phone lmao


New member
there is supposeably an ericsson one coming too, and then i'm sure it'll be followed by every other phone company :)

chances of rivalling the gba? about this much |-|


Mr. Super Clever
I think they are trying to appeal to the idiot market here, they forgot what a phone is actually for and will end up buying it to "look cool"

lol yes vampireuk Remeber those far off days when a phone was a plain old Phone lmao

/me sniffs and wipes away a tear

oh those were the days!


New member
The good thing is that attempts to compete with GBA, even if they are doomed to failure, might push Nintendo to unveil the rumored GBA2 .... lighted screen, 4 action buttons, etc.


New member
I'm getting really sick of all these new handhelds. Even the GP32 sucks ass. They will all fail anyway. How can they try to compete with Nintendo at their own game. Jeez!


Polish Emu Scene Member
GP32 sux ass ? like i totaly disagree
right - there are no good english games on it but you can say it sux based on just that


Long gone...
Personally, I think the direction that Nintendo should take is develop an integrated 3rd Generation compatible Nintendo Gameboy - I mean, not even Nokia could compete with that.

And this hump of junk won't come close to the GBA. But Nintendo can't get too complacent, we know what happened with the PS1!!!


actually guys..

the mobile phone market is going down the drain.. not just for ericsson.. ericsson hit rock bottom a month or so ago.. but Nokia isn't doing so great now eather..

problem is they seem to think ppl want to buy phones every damn year.. and there's not really that many that actually do that..

these two companies became huge when these types of phones became cheap.. and could be made available for pretty much anyone with a job.. now most of these ppl allready have phones.. so the recent models have been really expensive because there haven't been as much interest for them..

but it's true though.. i bet there'll be a bunch of phones like these soon on the market.. and one day we'll all have that kind of phones maybe.. but since they are not all on one system.. meaning you would have pretty much a "new console" in every phone.. since you can't use the same games on all of them cause of the whole system not being a standard or anything like that.. it'll make it hard for these games to beat the GBA in any way..

now if Ericsson&Sony and Nokia went and said.. "new standard".. for these kinds of game phones.. then maybe the big N would have something to worrie about.. but as it is now it's no biggi :)..


Long gone...
Rat, that's not totally true. It may be the case in the economically developed countries, but emerging markets such as China and India have huge potential. They just need to speed up development in those two countries with the co-operation of the governments and they'll have huge markets :D 2.5billion people to sell to! heh, but how many can afford it? Not many at the moment


lmao.. india.. let me tell you bout india..

in that country the ppl who can afford one allready have one.. they drive around in luxury cars.. live in the best places.. eat in places where the poor ppl can't even touch.. they don't even get jobs cleaning these places..

there is something of a middleclass but it's very small.. and even that could be counted as the upper class in comparison to how poor the lower class is..

the poor have usually nothing on their mind other then to get enugh food to make it thru the day.. if you give them something to help them some will say no thanx.. some are very apreciative but some just don't take help from anyone.. unless it's owed to them.. very proud yet poor ppl i guess..

Chine i'm not so sure about.. but that i know of the chinese allready have very cheap phones to buy..

but.. put all that aside coz selling 4 billion phones won't win anything in any way.. it has to do with the standard.. no company has the upper hand atm.. well nokia does but still it's not able to set a standard for the rest to follow.. it's not the new MS of mobilephones.. as long as there is no standard nobody will win.. they'll be competing for a long time but since they can't hope to beat a pure game handheld this trend will probably end with a flop..

i for one prefer to play games on my GBA then on my phone.. my phone does what i want it to do and i don't need it to be doing something else.. especially since it'll use up the battery and then i won't be able to call when i need too coz i used it all up playing games.. maybe the day a new revolutionary tiny portable self regenerating battery comes along.. is the day these things actually become big.. but untill then i'll just stick to my phone that does nothing more then what a phone should do :)..
