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New LemD3D8 released by Lemmy


Beta Tester
I had the honour of speaking with Lemmy this evening, and we discussed various things.

Amongst them, he sent me his latest version of his "plugin", which uses Pixel Shaders and no longer requires the .dat file to be used.

As said, this "plugin", uses Pixel Shaders. It is far from perfect, in fact it may not be better than previous builds of the gfx "plugin". Lemmy said that it's very likely that some bugs were introduced in this version, so, do not expect wonders from this. All you get is an unfinished, not meant to be released plugin, that uses Pixel Shaders to make it easier to use combiners.

Use this thread to discuss about this new gfx plugin, it's problems and it's bugs.
It is 99.9% certain that this plugin is as discontinued as Nemu, but one never knows.

The plugin comes in a .rar archive (203KB), you'll need Winrar or Winace to unrar it. Place it in Nemu's plugin directory and backup the old lemd3d8.dll just in case.

I personally want to thank Lemmy for sending my this file.


Active member
A big big thank you goes out to Lemmy for allowing this to be released, and to you Federelli for sorting the release out. Great work, going to try this out now - alongside your Nemu ini :)


Rogue Squadron is showing a little bit more than it used to - very nice to see actually.
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Beta Tester
yes, we should be grateful.

Though i want to repeat, do not expect wonders from this.

I am updating my .ini right now, so redownload it plz;)


Just Another Wacko ;)
That's a good reason for using nemu once again after a looong time. :)
But I have to upgrade my video card first... :(


Active member
Does anybody know how to get this to work in PJ64? It works in Nemu and 1964, but I've never been able to get it to work in PJ64 unfortunately.


the old guy
yeah it shows in the list but when you change to it there is an error that the plugin was not found or not compatable. or some such. why does it show as nemu graphics?


Beta Tester
rcgamer said:
yeah it shows in the list but when you change to it there is an error that the plugin was not found or not compatable. or some such. why does it show as nemu graphics?

Then it must simply not be compatible with PJ


New member
great news !!!!

well is it still possible to fix missing combiners (without .dat) ?

impossible to take screenshot

missing combiners with banjo kazoiie


Beta Tester
"Forget Banjo", where lemmy's, words :)

No, now every implementation would have to be done modifiing the .dll source i believe


New member
well i try it a bit: lot of gfx errors i'm afraid on a lot of games ....

even star wars rogue squadron is worst (but lemmy are still the only one which are able to boot it: he invent a microcode 12 that nobody seems to knows apart him)

i really hope that one day he 'll resume his work because nemu and the gfx plugin are amazing ...

With the last ini we had checked that nearly all the games that is playable with 1964 is also playable with nemu

Well Hope and See


Beta Tester
It was never ment to be a plugin in the first place :)
At least that's what i understood...

Rogue Squadron boots with the previous lemd3d8... now if someone implemented the missing combiners...


New member
you mean microcode in another plugin

because without source it'll be difficult to add combiners

Anyway yes it would be great
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and to get this off my hard drive before i format, heres a novelty collectable, an old unreleased version of hWnd's plugin for nemu .7 and earlier :p


New member
I'd just like to give a big sincere THANK YOU to Lemmy. With this plug-in I finally can dump Conker's geometry. Conker's doesn't look too pretty(the textures are messed up) but it runs and I can export the scene in VRML format.

Once again, thank you Lemmy and thank you Federelli for helping to get this plug-in out in the open. :)


New member
Lemmy, could it be possible to dump the texture-coordinates with the VRML models?

BTW: I`m lookin forward to seeing your remake, Neophyte!
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New member
Gorgy said:
Lemmy, could it be possible to dump the texture-coordinates with the VRML models?

BTW: I`m lookin forward to seeing your remake, Neophyte!

Thanks. :)

I'm looking foward to your project as well.

I also second the request for tex coords on the models if its not too much to ask. That would make my life a whole lot easier.
