Beta Tester
I had the honour of speaking with Lemmy this evening, and we discussed various things.
Amongst them, he sent me his latest version of his "plugin", which uses Pixel Shaders and no longer requires the .dat file to be used.
As said, this "plugin", uses Pixel Shaders. It is far from perfect, in fact it may not be better than previous builds of the gfx "plugin". Lemmy said that it's very likely that some bugs were introduced in this version, so, do not expect wonders from this. All you get is an unfinished, not meant to be released plugin, that uses Pixel Shaders to make it easier to use combiners.
Use this thread to discuss about this new gfx plugin, it's problems and it's bugs.
It is 99.9% certain that this plugin is as discontinued as Nemu, but one never knows.
The plugin comes in a .rar archive (203KB), you'll need Winrar or Winace to unrar it. Place it in Nemu's plugin directory and backup the old lemd3d8.dll just in case.
I personally want to thank Lemmy for sending my this file.
Amongst them, he sent me his latest version of his "plugin", which uses Pixel Shaders and no longer requires the .dat file to be used.
As said, this "plugin", uses Pixel Shaders. It is far from perfect, in fact it may not be better than previous builds of the gfx "plugin". Lemmy said that it's very likely that some bugs were introduced in this version, so, do not expect wonders from this. All you get is an unfinished, not meant to be released plugin, that uses Pixel Shaders to make it easier to use combiners.
Use this thread to discuss about this new gfx plugin, it's problems and it's bugs.
It is 99.9% certain that this plugin is as discontinued as Nemu, but one never knows.
The plugin comes in a .rar archive (203KB), you'll need Winrar or Winace to unrar it. Place it in Nemu's plugin directory and backup the old lemd3d8.dll just in case.
I personally want to thank Lemmy for sending my this file.