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N00b admin of EmuNext.net...

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ok here's a history of a not-so-nice conversation between me and LoRd_SnOw (the admin of emunext...poor little site) and hmm well read and find out how noobie he...really...Keith u gotta read this man...its funny...lord snow is always talkin about you keith i dont know why :huh:

Lord_Snow : i don't know whats your problem or what i did. but i was forced to remove you as a moderator. im sorry it had to come down like this. but you gave me no choice, but to force me todo this. Owner Emunext, EN Server Administrator, LoRd_SnOw

wesley : whats my problem

wesley : wtf did i do

wesley : geez oh well i dont wanna stay at a site thats not going anywhere anyway

Lord_Snow : thanks for sharing that with me

Lord_Snow : i was gonna explain your problem

Lord_Snow : but since we seem to suck to you forget it

Lord_Snow : just like yesterday

Lord_Snow : forget it

wesley : wtf happened yesterday

wesley : i didnt say shit

Lord_Snow : yeah good question what did happen yesterday but it wasn't about yesterday. i just gave you a link to check out on the boards new skin progress you said what is it.

Lord_Snow : so i said you know what forget it.

Lord_Snow : i asked you what was your problem

Lord_Snow : the other day

Lord_Snow : i said was it becouse i didn't affiliate you

Lord_Snow : you didn't say shit

Lord_Snow : so im guessing your pissed becouse i forgot

wesley : dude i thought i told u it wasnt that

Lord_Snow : sorry didn't get that message

wesley : i gave u alink to that site cuz i saw u there and i was bored so i gave it to it

wesley : i explained it

Lord_Snow : and i asked you yeah you could use i don't mind

Lord_Snow : like it matters i didn't make it

wesley : use what? wtf u talkin about man

Lord_Snow : php-fusion

Lord_Snow : its a cms

wesley : why would i wanna use it? ... dude didnt u see ur email was on the site i gave u? thats why i gave u cuz ur emails there

Lord_Snow : right but i wasn't mad about this.

Lord_Snow : you just gave me that assuming i lied to you or somthing.

Lord_Snow : thats what i thought

wesley : WTF??!! i dont know why all the stuff makes scense to u, im mad at u so i gave u a link to a site..uhhh ok wow

Lord_Snow : yeah well lets see no comments and since i can't read faces over the internet i wouldn't know.

Lord_Snow : but like it matters we such right?

Lord_Snow : so what do you have loose?

Lord_Snow : nothing.

Lord_Snow : much*

wesley : im just confused cuz what just happened came outta nowhere

Lord_Snow : okay lets take this one step back

Lord_Snow : the other you contacted me so we can affiliate at i said it was too early then i said your button needs work (like always) then i forgot to affiliate you. then the other day i asked you if you can send me the vbulletin images skin. which you never did so i tried getting them from your site as mad as i was i just asked someone else i know from invisionize.

Lord_Snow : so i was like alright he doesn't want to send me it. the next day i contacted you if you were mad no comments. so i send you a link and you say what is it. i got mad and i said forget it. i told dante about what was going on and so forth i said i don't really know.

Lord_Snow : i contacted you today and made up my mind. becouse i thought you
werent going to help us anymore

Lord_Snow : so i removed you

Lord_Snow : you just made it worse right now for what you just said

Lord_Snow : "wesley : says: geez oh well i dont wanna stay at a site thats not going anywhere anyway"

Lord_Snow : yeah your right we're not going anywhere

wesley : dude just cuz my msn is on doesnt mean im around, and i said the site isnt no where its true, u just keep removing me and stuff and a site thats always down i dont think it'll go anywher

Lord_Snow : we suck alright then go with martin on emulation64 and let him be your bitch.

Lord_Snow : mm... that came out wrong

Lord_Snow : well if you knew what was going on the inside of the server maybe you would change your mind on that

Lord_Snow : the site your looking at is not even the real thing.

wesley : dude im too tired with u man, and now i got stuff i need to do in real life, you can sit in front of the computer all day and try to figure out what u can do to survive with ur comp, go on with ur cyber world, i aint got time to play with u so peace, oh and 1 member contacted me the other day and told me your a real big fucking nerd and asked me if i thought so too, i said no but i guess u r

wesley : so ya

wesley : peace out

Lord_Snow : oh well can't judge someone for not being much a viewer

Lord_Snow : i know who it was you fag

Lord_Snow : that was me testing your dumbass out

Lord_Snow : and i don't stay online all day

Lord_Snow : you fucken noob

Lord_Snow : you don't know me i don't know you. you dumb fag

Lord_Snow : so get out of my face with that shit

Lord_Snow : you dumb fuck

Lord_Snow : go be with "thaforce" you semi- dork

Lord_Snow : Have a happy thanks giving.

wesley : woo gettin alittle agrresive there huh

wesley : sry just got back from what i was doin

wesley : wow u seem like a mad bitch, why u so mad man i didnt insult u haha u remind me of that halo nerd

Lord_Snow : say anything you want

Lord_Snow : i don't care

wesley : ok sure well i aint that type of person, if u stop insultin me then i wont do shit to u

Lord_Snow : you started im sure you'll find sort of way to finish it.

Lord_Snow : i offered you hosting i tried being nice to you.

Lord_Snow : so go ahead show how nice you are by being disrespectful by having a dirty mouth.

wesley : it looks like ur the one with a dirty mouth, i never said shit, u were the one talkin the whole time

Lord_Snow : i blocked you but i unblocked you well becouse i wanted to tell you have a happy thanks giving.

Lord_Snow : uhuh

Lord_Snow : all i heard was blabla

wesley : thanks givin is over like a month ago

Lord_Snow : somthing about you acting like a halo nerd thats all.

Lord_Snow : well over here it isn't i dunno what planet you live on.

wesley : canada u dumbass, its thanks giving in america but that doesnt mean its thanks giving in canada, i think u really should get off ur comp and explore the real world alittle

Lord_Snow : gee thanks

Lord_Snow : your making your self look bad btw

Lord_Snow : but no go ahead continue

wesley : geez i dont know whos making who look bad, whos the one that got all raged

wesley : lmao

Lord_Snow : show the true noob inside you

Lord_Snow : don't be shy

wesley : dude, noob at what? noob doesnt really offend ppl in the real world, so ya im a guy living in the real world not the cyber world where u live and where ppl get offended by the word noob

Lord_Snow : heh thats what you think

Lord_Snow : your very funny

Lord_Snow : how old are you like 13-14?

Lord_Snow : shouldn't you ask your mom for permission to be online

Lord_Snow : i wonder if alester is on hmm

wesley : im 16 and im allowed on the comp whenever i want. how old r u? 25? get off the fucking comp and get a job dude

Lord_Snow : ohh so your a grown man

Lord_Snow : more like a growing man

Lord_Snow : still i guess its better than nothing

Lord_Snow : tell me somthing did you say all this shit to keith?

wesley : wow r u really afraid of Keith or something? tell u what, i dont know Keith we've never talked. lol dude why do u mention keith anyway, is he a god to u? lmao

Lord_Snow : lol

Lord_Snow : no not really you spoke to keith when you showed him your cps2 site right or wrong you did try to fit into the nerdy world right?

Lord_Snow : lol i know i am right

Lord_Snow : i remember you telling me that along time ago

Lord_Snow : you have no place togo

Lord_Snow : i actually felt bad for you

Lord_Snow : man

Lord_Snow : how sad

Lord_Snow : but no continue

Lord_Snow : please

Lord_Snow : humor me you poor little bitch

Lord_Snow : your just a baby

Lord_Snow : a stupid noobie or realife hockey loving baby

wesley : no place to go? wow stop tryin to make up shit so u can have come backs. what a dumb fuck, tell what i aint gon argue with u no mo, go have fun with ur little emu site

Lord_Snow : but hey hockey is fun

wesley : peace nigga

Lord_Snow : i would say

Lord_Snow : shutup

Lord_Snow : stupid noob

Lord_Snow : you not even a nigga

Lord_Snow : hop off my dick and commit suicide fag

Lord_Snow : im not gonna block you becouse the first words i'll say to your poor bitch ass is hop off my dick

Lord_Snow : you love us

Lord_Snow : you don't wanna admit it

Lord_Snow : poor fag

Alex - has been added to the conversation.

Lord_Snow : hey alex

Lord_Snow : tell this punk bitch to hop off my dick

Alex - oh wassu[ lordy

Alex - hop off his dick cock face

Alex - you not a G like me

Alex - you pussy

wesley : lmao a poor nigga is calling for help, well its dinner time for me so peace poor lil bitch who needs help lmao

Alex - shut up and go lick a cock


New member
gokuss4 said:
wtf? OK, i've come to the conclusion you both are fucking weirdos :plain: but Lord_Snow is even worse :p

ya he thinks he is all crazy and shit. hes working on this game thingy that can play games he makes lmao lol and he think he'll take over the emulation network by making that little piece of crap...and he's been talkin about it for ages and theres still no sign of it.


New member
well, i'm going to make a summary for those who don't want to read all...

i changed my mind, this thing is boring anyway...

here a girl pic lol


New member
Whoah, That was hard to read. I don't know what the fuck happened. I'm a good friend of Snow, and I know for a fact he's no bitch.

I also know this is none of my business, and none of anyone else's either.

@Wesley: He believes in what he does and never gives up, so stop posting fake shit.

Knuckles!!! Do your thing please.
Last edited:


New member
Player-X said:
It's been 2 years since I was last here but lord_snow told me to post this

wow snow sure did a good job on cuttin some of the shit out, like the last part where he invited alex into the conversation cuz he needed help. and i never said:" what is it damn?" i said: "what?"

lol lmao man that guy is just...sigh...


New member
GCFreak said:
@Wesley: He believes in what he does and never gives up, so stop posting fake shit.

this shit aint fake yo, you can ask snow, even he posted a log, but a edited one, he cut out all the stuff he said to me, but if u ppl dont believe it i can post the REAL MSN LOG as IN THE REAL MSN LOG format.


New member
looking at both your logs together I have a pretty clear idea of what is happening, the friction is caused by you guys feling exausted by something, I can't say what it was but you both need some rest, i also sugest findout some outlet for your fustration, I have already told snow to cool off as well.


Keeper of The Iron Tail
noals said:
well, i'm going to make a summary for those who don't want to read all...

i changed my mind, this thing is boring anyway...

here a girl pic lol

:whistling whew... what's her name?


Keeper of The Iron Tail
Well, now that I've been lured into this thread...

Time for zAlbee's Professional Commentary™!

N00b admin of EmuNext.net... (2 / 5 stars)

A Lord Snow character, easily offended over trivial things, falsely believes he is being snubbed. The suspect in question, Wesley, faces a layoff by Lord Snow, and is at first bewildered but has insufficient attention span to dwell on the loss! He is unprovoked and is about to leave! Frustrated at Wesley's inability to care, Lord Snow drags him back in to lay on the incendiary insults of "you fucken noob" and "Have a happy thanks giving"! Wesley returns with witty comebacks of pure gold such as "WTF??!! i dont know why all the stuff makes scense to u, im mad at u so i gave u a link to a site..uhhh ok wow" and "thanks givin is over like a month ago"! Intrigue! Drama!

Newsweek exclaims "Full of plot twists, turns, and holes".

Entertainment Weekly declares "The readability was painfully difficult"!

I wish people would write proper sentences on the Internet >.<


Active member
zAlbee, spot on. If the reputation button worked you'd get some for that accurate summing up of the whole issue. Nice comment on the dubious English skills too.


New member
i say kill them both

(ofcourse by kill i don't mean killing in a reallife sense... it's more like cutting their cyberballs off :evil: )

okay seriously imo we (the boadmembers) don't have the right perspective (given by the logs) of your situation to help you our of your misery so... show your manhoodness dell808 and just ignore that guy... at least thats what i do whenever i think someones an idiot... cause i think somebody who's an idiot doesn't deserve my attention... peace :ala: :term:


New member
zAlbee said:
Well, now that I've been lured into this thread...

Time for zAlbee's Professional Commentary™!

N00b admin of EmuNext.net... (2 / 5 stars)

A Lord Snow character, easily offended over trivial things, falsely believes he is being snubbed. The suspect in question, Wesley, faces a layoff by Lord Snow, and is at first bewildered but has insufficient attention span to dwell on the loss! He is unprovoked and is about to leave! Frustrated at Wesley's inability to care, Lord Snow drags him back in to lay on the incendiary insults of "you fucken noob" and "Have a happy thanks giving"! Wesley returns with witty comebacks of pure gold such as "WTF??!! i dont know why all the stuff makes scense to u, im mad at u so i gave u a link to a site..uhhh ok wow" and "thanks givin is over like a month ago"! Intrigue! Drama!

Newsweek exclaims "Full of plot twists, turns, and holes".

Entertainment Weekly declares "The readability was painfully difficult"!

I wish people would write proper sentences on the Internet >.<

ROFLMAO Fucking hell Zalbee, that was hellarious! :happy:


Just Another Wacko ;)
I just see someone who was dropped as a moderator and got pissed off, so he posted this POS... Talking like that about the person who offered you hosting is not the best thing to do despite the problems that occured recently.

So, what is the point of creating this thread? If this was a private conversation any of you two can edit it and post whatever you want.

After reading all this I still cannot understand why Keith is mentioned in this thread. :huh:

Is there a way to place zAlbee's post in the start of the thread? It will help understand what is this all about without reading the rest POS...

PS: Can someone fix the reputation button please?


Active member
Yay I was mentioned! Don't know what Lord_Snow has against me though, I don't think I've ever even talked to him.

we suck? alright.... then go with martin on emulation64 and let him be your bitch. thats right the first person who turned you down. you should be happy i even offered you hosting. why not try going with keith im sure he will give you hosting then again no he won't he turned you down also. thats too bad = /

Why are you hatting? :p Everyone knows the only bitches I have are the EmuTalk moderators ;):p


New member
hatting is baaad... so ytf are you hatting? tell us! well actually lord_snow won't respong so that question is sillier than hatting... so martin ytf are doing something sillier than hatting?? tell us martin... at least you can answer :evil:
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