Well with the plans for a N-GAGE 2 coming out I was wondering why isnt there a n gagfe emulator. Its got similar graphics and things to the GBA why should it not be emulated.
Well with the plans for a N-GAGE 2 coming out I was wondering why isnt there a n gagfe emulator. Its got similar graphics and things to the GBA why should it not be emulated.
I don't know about an emulator, but the "N-GAGE 2" you're referring to is the remade original N-Gage, designed to fix the design problems with the original design (most notably, having to remove the battery to change games).
If you want to emulate N-Gage games it's simple:
Slam your dick in a door or stick it in auto self clean oven.
Both perfectly emulate the pain and suffering you would've felt had you actually paid money for this horrible system and it's shitty games.
I was only asking I dont want one (though it would be nice to play an emulated version of it for a while.... then delete it). The thought just struck me whilst I was reading my gaming magazine.