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My analysis of the Karl Rove thing.

Lizard Blade

New member
Now cut me some slack here if this is entirely inappropriate for ToTT. I'm not entirely sure how much political discussion, or indeed partisan hackery is welcome in these forums. But if you live in the USA and keep tabs on the news, you've heard of the Karl Rove/Scooter Libby "scandal". I've followed it very closely myself. Let me elaborate.


tye stik

Super Nintendo Wizard
We live in a society that is constantly battered with propaganda and opinion influencing media. With the slow demise of religion, morality becomes an abstract concept that can be twisted and deformed by those who seek to control our minds. What is right is no longer a universal decree of the divine, but rather what people in power deem to be right. There is no longer right and wrong, only one's opinion as opposed the others opinion. We find ourselves in a society that seeks to control our opinions inorder to keep the fabric of morality together.
24 hour news broadcasts tell us what to believe, government commercials tell us what we should and shouldnt do (they dont want you to smoke marijuana, perhaps because weed = hippies = revolution, who knows), and coperations give us something to work towards (that new car, cool GI Joe's.. w/e). The weave of the world we live in is so intricate, most find themselves lost in it, just living day to day without a second thought. But some of us find ourselves smoking alot of weed and really thinkin about things... the question of morality, the existance of the soul, the government taking the place of the divine.. among other shit.


New member
tye stik said:
We live in a society that is constantly battered with propaganda and opinion influencing media. With the slow demise of religion, morality becomes an abstract concept that can be twisted and deformed by those who seek to control our minds.

i could not agree more, in fact the "demoralization" of our society is becoming more and more visible in everyday life; it shows when ppl rush to enter the bus cutting the line for an example, it is going downhill in a way that we do not respect our fellow men anymore and we lack respect for ourselves as well.
I live in a poor country and here ppl really should go out and fight, literally, for their rights, but you know what? We don´t, we talk about it, no one is happy, but we all get fixed every single day, whether it is from a soap opera, videogames, porn, whatever...They did it, their rule goes unchecked because we got too damn lazy to do something about it, we are so self centered, so egocentric that we do nothing to improve the "common good", we only think about our sakes and who the pop stars are fucking.
It is sad as hell.


New member
Morality, any more, is regarded as "relative".

culture has instructed us to create truth for ourselves, becuase only then can we be truly happy.

So "morality" is no longer "what is right" it is "what you, as a person, think is right.

Thus, sin becomes more and more acceptable till western civilization as we know it falls to maurading tribes, just like Rome fell.
