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Mupen64 stuffit errors.


New member
Hey everybody. Since just about every forum I've been to with this problem never helped me, I'm thinking that this is my last hope. Anyway, I decided to download this emulator for the Mac on the actual website. Now, whenever I click the box icon, I get a stuffit error:

"An error occurred while creating or opening an archive.

Unspecified Stuffit Engine internal error (17999)"

What does this mean, and how do I solve it? Is there a certain download I am missing?

Thanks. :)


New member
When I downloaded Mupen, I got a cardboard box icon, which means that I had to use the stuffit application. The problem is that stuffit keeps giving me the error I said in the first post. I don't have the actual "Mupen" icon yet, because I still need to unstuffit (which I can't).


New member
"An error occurred while creating or opening an archive.

Unspecified Stuffit Engine internal error (17999)"

I have no idea about anything stuffit related, but normaly an "internal error" is a problem with the programm, not the data. Even if there is a problem with the data, the programm should give a better message.

So if your stuffit is buggy, the solution is to use a different version of stuffit if possible, or use another program.


New member
Okay, my stuffit problem is solved. I was able to actually get the Mupen Icon. When I click it though, it just opens a window with the words "Open ROM..." and it shows stuff in my hardrive (Like word documents) and I have no idea what to do now. How do I actually make this work?


New member
after you click open rom you go to wherever you saved it and click on it, then it should load up and u can play.


New member
Now I have another problem. >_>
I downloaded a ROM of Custom Robo V2 (can't post the link to it since it's against the rules). So, I'll click the Mupen64 icon, then once it asks me to open the ROM, I'll click the file, and nothing happens. I don't get an error message or anything like that, just a blank screen. Absolutely nothing happens (from the way I'm looking at it anyway). I don't get it, if you download a ROM, shouldn't it just work with emulators?


New member
5...different...files...all from five different sites. NONE WORKED. I got the blank screen again. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here. Do I store the ROM's in the save folder that came with Mupen or something? I really don't know what to do here. I'm just trying to play a friggin custom robo game.

Maybe it's just my comp. I'm using a Mac after all. =\


New member
I still need help here. I mean I downloaded the .7z file for it, and tried to open it with Mupen. It should work, right? Is there a certain place I must put this ROM in?


New member
Hang tight, I'll download the v0.5 for Mac when I get home tonight and tell you what I find out. In the meanwhile, can you post your model (specifically CPU and GPU) and OS you're running on your Mac?
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