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Mupen doesnt run on my machine! Please help me!


Emulator Developer
try gln64 plugin or rice daedalus plugin, and the alsa sound plugin, maybe one of these plugins will fix your problem


New member
Hacktarux, the problem with moving:
Can it be, that this old gcc versionen uses c89, but you are using c99? ;)


One Kool dude
Neutrinus said:
Did It! I installed the nvidia driver modified the x64thing, but nothing happens in mupen. same desolated black. help me...
P.S. for people having my same probs, the command for switching in line-mode il telinit 3
and the one for returning in X is telinit 5.
what roms you trying to run?


New member
i dnloaded some plugins. putted em in the correct folder. mupen dont see them, they are not in the confy menus...if after this prob mupen dont work, i abandon the idea to play n64 on linux :/


Emulator Developer
Hmm, ok only the 3d demos of this package can work with those plugins, i don't remember which ones don't use 2d... :(
It doesn't mean games aren't working on your computer.


Emulator Developer
Neutrinus said:
i dnloaded some plugins. putted em in the correct folder. mupen dont see them, they are not in the confy menus...if after this prob mupen dont work, i abandon the idea to play n64 on linux :/

You need to compile every plugins, they are all compiled for newer glibc version, that's why you don't see them....


New member
ok...my last question...where i can find another linux n64 emu? thanks for all and excuse me for your lost time. :Dand remember to fix that bugs in the next version:D


One Kool dude
Neutrinus said:
ok...my last question...where i can find another linux n64 emu? thanks for all and excuse me for your lost time. :Dand remember to fix that bugs in the next version:D
mupen is, for all practical purposes, the only n64 emulator for linux, try the most basic commercial roms: mario 64 and see how that works


New member
YUPPYYYY!! YOU ALL ARE RIGHT! (excuse the caps, but i am too happy!) i dnlded a mario64, and it works almost perfect. the graphics have only some problem in 2d layers. the sound seems the one of the GBC, but i like it anyway! :) *happy*


New member
*another BIG problem* : i cant config the plugins. i open mupen, click configure, menu opens, goto plugins, and if i click configure of any plug,nothing happens. what can i do?


Emulator Developer
I'm glad you finally got it working :)

Some plugins don't need to be configured like for example : tr64, mupen64 input plugin, mupen64 sound plugin.
Anyway i think you know how to compile and install other plugins now ;)


New member
yep but the keys for the imput one, in italian keyboard are extremely uncomfortable. what can i do?


New member
i found another solution, i edited your plugin, modified the keys, and recompiled it :) (i'm not so noob as i seem :))


New member
Neutrinus said:
i found another solution, i edited your plugin, modified the keys, and recompiled it :) (i'm not so noob as i seem :))
Well, if you use the keyboard, this is a good way. I did it like this, too. But don't forget: You must change each key twice, on key up and key down ;).
If you whould like to use a joystick, you should use blights input plugin.


New member
1) i know it, changed it twice. i know visual basic, and for the kpress API is the same :)
2) unfortunately, i dont have a joystick. :(


New member
I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but if you're still getting errors, log in as super user... (Type 'su' into the terminal, and when it asks for the password, tpye in the password for root)

I was having problem a while ago installing a program, and found the solution to be that.... It said that I didn't have access to /lib.....
(I'm also a uber noob to linux... Just a few days ago I got a box with lindows, and soon realized that I needed to switch to Mandrake :p)

Hope that helps =D
