Graphics Designer
<Gorxon> MSN down?
<evlcookie> yea
<Gorxon> ok
<Falcon4ev> yea here too
<Knuckles> here too
<TrotterW> MSN is up for me here, was down earlier though
<Knuckles> still can't do anything here
<TrotterW> As you typed that, all of my contacts went offline, lol
<Vile324> .... My MSN is dead. >_>
<Knuckles> lol
<Vile324> http://messenger.msn.com/Status.aspx > LMAO.
<Vile324> "Server is too busy."
<Vile324> Creative bunch, aren't they?
<Knuckles> they are under attack
<Vile324> Ph33R!
<Vile324> ... All their passwords r belong to us? D:
<Knuckles> Gorxon : stop hax0ring msn!
<Vile324> Or all our passwords r belong to them?
<TrotterW> Maybe someone is stealing their mhz?
<Knuckles> maybe
<Vile324> Onos! They're setting us up the bomb.
* Gorxon runs
<Knuckles> they are setting it not to be free anymore
<Knuckles> "give us your credit card number to connect"
<Gorxon> Server Error in '/' Application.
<Gorxon> Runtime Error
<Knuckles> I get Service Unavailable
<Knuckles> "Service Unavailable"
<Knuckles> they are moving MSN to Martin's server
<Vile324> D:
<TrotterW> lol
<evlcookie> it died a few times today as well
<TrotterW> Someone just came online on mine now
* Masken is now known as Mask|away
<TrotterW> and also 1 other using the mobile version (with a warning that they may get charged should I send a message)
<TrotterW> tempted to spam them
<Vile324> <Gorxon> Server Error in '/' Application. > I just noticed that. XD
<Vile324> They're being haxz0red.
<Knuckles> why can't they go hack AOL with their "child protection"
<Vile324> No, their "Hacker protection"
<Vile324> ;P
<Knuckles> same
<Vile324> So, how long has MSN been doing this? D:
<Vile324> All morning?
<Knuckles> prolly not
<Knuckles> everyone started to talk about that some mins ago
<Knuckles> [10:15] <Gorxon> MSN down?
<Knuckles> [10:16] <Knuckles> mhh, anyone got problems connecting to MSN?
<evlcookie> im still online ... but no one is on my list hehe
<Gorxon> I doubt you're really online
<Gorxon> msn sometimes "lock" up even though you don't notice until you do something
<Gorxon> try to change status
<Knuckles> prolly msn that didn't contacted your messenger to tell it it's disconnected P
<Knuckles> ptry changing status
<Knuckles> try*
<Gorxon> altho...I was wondering when it was just me and one more person online earlier today
<Gorxon> I don't think that has happened before
<Gorxon> so I guess the problems have been going on for hours
<Falcon4ev> OMG my life is gonna end
<Falcon4ev> no MSN :"(
<Falcon4ev> bye bye social life
* Knuckles slaps Falcon4ev around a bit with a large trout
<Knuckles> what about irc?
<Gorxon> you call this social life?
* Falcon4ev don't see girls he knows on irc
<Vile324> XD
<Knuckles> lol
<Knuckles> mmhh lol
<Knuckles> I get a different message each time I try to connect to msn
<Vile324> Same here.
<Vile324> I just got the one that I'm not connected to teh internet.
<Vile324> D:
<Vile324> Which, I must say, is bullshit. XD
* [vEX] has joined #emulation64
<Knuckles> [10:44] <Vile324> I just got the one that I'm not connected to teh internet. <- me too
<Gorxon> mine just tried forever
<Gorxon> tries
<Vile324> At least yours doesn't give up, Gorxon.
<Redah> mine says i'm not connected to the net
<Redah> then that i have a firewall
<Redah> then my contactlist is gone
<Redah> (which i wouldnt mind since i have a offline copy )
<Redah> then i'm not on the net again
<Knuckles> crap
<Knuckles> I hope they won't be really gone
* Falcon4ev boots icq
* Knuckles boots Falcon4ev
<Redah> they're not, it's just a random message
<Vile324> I'm on AIM, but meh..
<Knuckles> AIM = evil
<Vile324> AIM is much more efficient in terms of UPTIME.
<Vile324> MSN keeps fucking over. XD
<Redah> the real error ofcourse is that someone @ MS tripped over a cat5 cable
<Vile324> Probably.
<Gorxon> I doubt it was cat5...but anyhow, likely
<Redah> that was part of the joke.. it being cat5
* Redah slaps Gorxon
<Gorxon> right
<Knuckles> left
<Vile324> "You cannot use MSN messenger at this time because your contact list is not available" > Do I seem like I care? SIGN ME IN.
<Redah> yeah... i HAVE my contact list
<Redah> just sign me in
<evlcookie> ooh 1 person on my list now
<Knuckles> congrat
<Knuckles> talk to him
<evlcookie> his idle .. or busy or something
<Knuckles> or offline
<evlcookie> na his idle
<Falcon4ev> damnit first redah broke the php/gd2 on the server, now msn
<Redah> even their 'check the status' page doesnt work
<Redah> nor does messenger.msn.nl
<Redah> http://messenger.msn.nl/Default.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/Default.aspx
<Redah> Server Error in '/' Application.
<Redah> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Redah> Runtime Error
<Redah> Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.
<Redah> Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".
<Gorxon> Redah: they're all down
<Redah> lol
<Redah> i bet they tried to upgrade their servers to 7.0
<Redah> was the same just before 6 was released
<Gorxon> could be
<Redah> when's that supposed to be out 'for real' ?
<Redah> 7 ?
<Gorxon> no idea
<Gorxon> probably soon....there's been a beta for a long time
<Redah> We are awaiting a response on these issues from Microsoft; it is not known exactly what is causing the problems. Previously, human error has triggered large outages on the popular chat network.
<Vile324> <Redah> We are awaiting a response on these issues from Microsoft; it is not known exactly what is causing the problems. Previously, human error has triggered large outages on the popular chat network. > Yup, tripped over a cat5.
<Falcon4ev> xD
Interesting how that started.