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Mouse Trapped in Game


New member
Hello, I'm having some problems with using my mouse when I'm running a rom. When a game is loaded I cannot click on anything outside of the game window. That is to say I cannot click on any of the 1964 menus, or anything else for that matter. The only way I am able to solve this issue is by either Alt+F4'ing out of the game. Or by opening up the task manager. However, if I were to click on any of the menus or buttons in the 1964 window, not only does my mouse get trapped in game again, but the menus don't open and the buttons don't do what they are supposed to. Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, has anyone solved it?


New member
i think, you do use n-rage
then go to controller options, shortcuts ans set a button to mouse lock/unlock
should work, when it´s n-rage
