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Metroid Movie?

Moose Jr.

Raging Moose
I doubt John Woo would personally take the reins of a project like this. In any case, if the Tomb Raider, Resident Evil and Final Fantasy movies are any indication of things, I won't go see it even if it does reach fruition.


the only thing i wonder about is that sony's gonna make the games for the movie... metroid by sega...


Pimpin' Red Mage
hybrid23 said:
the only thing i wonder about is that sony's gonna make the games for the movie... metroid by sega...

How is that possible? Metroid is owned by Nintendo, they would never whore out a beloved franchise like that. Well, except for those shitty CDi Zelda games... :/


New member
won't ever watch it if not an xtreme hottie is playing samus :))))
I'd love to see nelly furtado or jessica alba


*lol* actually i wanted to say sega in the first place but somehow i typed sony... don't ask me why...
