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Megaman 64

Pryftan Omni

New member
I've got the ROM for Megaman 64 (N64's incarnation of PSX's Megaman Legends), but it's not mentioned anywhere in the compatibility list - or the noncompatibility list either. It seems to work fine, but there's a point in the game(Sub-gate in Cardon Forest) that just doesn't seem to want to run. I know that many ROMs are like this, but I was just wondering if there was a way around this problem; Thanks!


Nintendo Zealot
Game: Any Megaman game. :) <-- I can relate to that. Megaman fuckin owns. :)

As for the problem, do you have Smiff's latest RDB?

Pryftan Omni

New member
I only have anything that came with pj64; could you please tell me where to get this?

And Megaman most certainly fucking owns :)


Btw...eVoodoo + Glide64 is an excelent choice for this game. Glide64 runs is without much problems.
