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Make baseless accusations against the poster above you


What's that...?
gokuss4 prances around in womens underwear and a tight pink shirt while singing s club 7 at the top of his lunges.


I prey, not pray.
mesman00 said:
gokuss4 prances around in womens underwear and a tight pink shirt while singing s club 7 at the top of his lunges.

The M in messman's avatar is for masterbate. :D


Hybrid took too many ludes one time, woke up by his football companion with a sore cock, and they both pretended like nothing happened. The football companion still calls Hybrid when he's drunk.


New member
khanmeister likes to dress up in a girl scout uniform while being whipped with a sock filled with chicken fat.


Emu64 Staff
hybrid23 hasn't missed an episode of "The Bold and the Beautiful" in the last seven and a half years.

Niggy G

HTAFC will rise again!!!
DuDe said:
hybrid23 hasn't missed an episode of "The Bold and the Beautiful" in the last seven and a half years.

Dude's feet are smelly and mouldy. He has to cut his toe-nails with Hedge clippers.


Nintendo Zealot
Slougi enjoys playing with my little pony toys while watching Ron Jeremy at his best.
Last edited:


cooliscool said:
Slougi enjoys playing with my little pony toys while watching Ron Jeremy at his best.

Coolsicool stole his mom's underwear and got caught wearing it. This led to some intense lectures about sexuality and morals by both his father and mother. After this he resolved to only perform sexual acts in the company of those to young to utter a protest, or to talk later. Currently he's "babysitting" a little boy named Alphawolf, which has got Dude, Niggy G, and Hybrid very upset, because they are in a group relationship with Alpha at the moment.

What's an old lady taste like when you eat her out??......

