King of Krunch
A real knee slapper. Good one. XDScottJC said:It works for me. Just fine passed that bit with great ease.
A real knee slapper. Good one. XDScottJC said:It works for me. Just fine passed that bit with great ease.
Please don't bump threads from ages ago with useless information. If you actually bothered to check the date, you would see that the last post in this thread is almost a year old. kthxbai!jimmy_dean230 said:I beat them all on my first way throught thatpart i don't get what's goin down.
I think the OP has already figured it out after three years, don't you? -_-hit the small stack with the frying pan before the fork hits it. The small stack can't jump therefore death by pitch fork.:batman:
I tend to agree with those that say you may just need to be a bit more persistent and accurate, but who knows for sure. Maybe just one of those whacky things that happen to some. Anyway, for those with haystack issues, I've attached a save state with the smallest haystack obliterated. I've only completed the minimum amount of the game necessary to get to this point. Hope this helps.