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New member
The desklets you see in those pics are "GDesklets" for gnome. I use them quite a bit... they're really cool, and dont slow down your computer like their windows counterparts... though I did get a on the second glitch when I had the analogue clock have a second hand... :p.

I'm a Fedora Core 3 user myself, so the following info is based on an FC3 install... (maybe I'll put some notes in for Ubuntu as well, another lightweight userlevel distro you might like to look at)

Before you do anything in fedora you should update your yum config... yum is the program fedora uses to update/install software from the internet, which is pretty much all you'll be doing... In fact, when you want an app installed Yum should be your first point of contact, then google for rpms, then google for source.

($ means type in terminal)

Type the following in a terminal window (right click on the desktop --> terminal):
$ su -
$ gedit /etc/yum.conf

su means switch user. If you use the "su" command without specifying a user it will log you in as root, which you need to be to rape at your system configs (sych as yum.conf). gedit is the gnome text editor, its just like notepad, but for gnome... there are heaps of text editors in linux, this is the easiest one coming from windows.

Replace the yum config with the following:

# This is a yum.conf for Fedora Core 3.
# It uses Fedora mirrors to make things faster,
# since the main Red Hat Fedora site is pretty slow.
# Also, if you look down in the "Alternate Repositories"
# section, you'll notice some disabled repositories.
# If you want to use them, just do:
# yum --enablerepo <reponame> <command>
# Where <reponame> is the name of the repo, and <command>
# is your normal yum command.
# Authors: 
#   Maxwell Kanat-Alexander (max at fedorafaq dot org)
#   Sindre Pedersn Bjørdal (foolish at fedorafaq dot org)
# Date: 6 February 2005
# Changes
# -------
# 6 February 2005
#   + Fedora Extras!
#   + Dries Mirrors
#   + Fixed a Livna mirror.
# 26 November 2004
#   + Updated ATrpms per Axel Thimm's request.
# 22 November 2004
#   + Updated for Fedora Core 3
# 04 November 2004
#   + Fixed and checked-over for publishing
# 17 July 2004 (Sindre)
#   + Replaced Base, debug, updates-released and updates mirrors with faster ones. 
#   + Added the official servers to base and updates, commented of course. 
#   + Tested all non-commented parts, everything works. 
# 29 May 2004
#   + Tested commented-out parts: all work except subpop.net
#   + Livna and NewRPMs mirrors!
# 22 May 2004
#   + Incorporated Darrenn's fixes for Fedora Core 2!
#   + Commented-out parts may still not work properly
# 29 Feb 2004
#   + Updated a lot of mirrors, for speed
#   + Fixed one ATrpms mirror
#   + Added Dries and spc, two more FreshRPMs-compatible repos
# 9 Jan 2004
#   + Updated ATrpms for their new directory structure.
# 31 Dec 2003
#   + Added JPackage, commented out
#   + Standard Red Hat Fedora Core sites commented-out by default
#   + Removed dulug from debug, since it doesn't have debug
# 29 Dec 2003
#   + Added mirrors for the flash-plugin, since some go down.
#   + Added base-debuginfo, commented out

# Added this because some mirrors go down and then retying takes forever.

# Basic Repos are in /etc/yum.conf.d/ #

## Fedora Extras ##

name=Fedora Extras - $releasever - $basearch
#    http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/$releasever/$basearch/

## Livna.org ##

name=Livna.org - Fedora Compatible Packages (stable)

name=Livna.org - Fedora Compatible Packages (unstable)

name=Livna.org - Fedora Compatible Packages (testing)

# Jpackage #

# JPackage is a GREAT repository for Java Software.
# However, you may have to compile some SRPMs to use it,
# so it's commented out by default. See 
# <http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/jpackage/1.6/generic/non-free/SRPMS> 
# For the SRPMs, and <http://www.jpackage.org/rebuilding.php> for 
# the general details.
# Note: JPackage IS compatible with the fedora.us repositories.
# You can use JPackage and fedora.us at the same time, without 
# any trouble. It's also compatible with the Alternate Repositories, 
# for the most part.

name=JPackage Cross-Platform Packages

name=JPackage Fedora Packages

## Alternate Repositories ##

# To use these repos, either use the --enablerepo 
# command-line argument to yum, or change "enabled=0"
# to "enabled=1". Note: Some packagesfrom these repositories
# may conflict with the fedora.us packages. If you use these
# repositories, you may wish to disable the fedora.us and 
# livna.org repositories.


name=Dag APT Repository

name=Dries APT/YUM Repository


name=ATrpms - Stable

name=ATrpms - Testing

# Warning: Don't enable this "bleeding" repo if you want stable software!
name=ATrpms - Bleeding

## Miscellaneous ##

# Semi-official Macromedia repository containing the flash-plugin rpm.
name=macromedia.mplug.org - Flash Plugin

Hokay... now when your computer updates/installs software, its gonna look in a heap of places to install stuff. :) THIS IS GOOD!... as long as you've got an internet connect... otherwise you might wanna remove some of the ones like the flash one and java ones etc... just to make it go faster... and... atrpms... and... newrpms and dries... I dont use them often...

anyway... once you've done those 3 steps, you can install GDesklets by opening a terminal and typing:

$ yum --enablerepo=freshrpms install gdesklets

Basically you're telling yum to make sure it includes freshrpms in the sites it looks at when trying to find a file... Yum will connect to all of the default repos, find the right file for your system, download, and install the program, and any other peices of software it needs to run...



Most linux distros have similar methods of getting files... Debian (and debian based things like Ubuntu) have apt, and someone mentioned some others before.

Yum is really cool tho :)

Once you have gdesklets installed, make sure you're on a user account (not root), open a terminal and type:

$ gdesklets

that'll start the proggie, she'll sit in your system tray. You can then right click that and go "Manage desklets". Now we reach the good bit... (and even though I've rambled on, its only been about 4 or 5 steps all the way!)

...(this bit is also aplicable to anyone who has gdesklets installed)

go to http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/ . Find a desklet you like, (lets say SideCandyRhythmbox, a desklet that places a remote control for the rhythmbox music player onto your desktop, complete with cover art etc) scroll down the page to the download. Right click it and go "copy link location" (firefox) or similar... copy url... maybe... I dunno... then go to your gdesklet managerjigga and go file --> install remote desklet (or something) and paste that url in.

Twill install the desklet. Then you can doubleclick it in the list to enable it.

You can edit the config of the desklet (to set it up how you like) by right clicking on it once its positioned on your desktop and going configure...

Thats about it... there are desklets for all sorts of things, email, putting news feeds on your desktop, clocks, those system monitor things, remote controls, yada yada yada...


I just wanted to say one more thing...

As far as linux gaming goes, despite what people say, a lot of games work really nicely on linux, in fact, every single game I want to play works on linux, either natively (in which case it runs BETTER than its windows counterpart) or in wine/cedega (in which case it runs similar to running it on a windows machine, tho there are still some bugs you occasionally have to squirm around ;) )

Not to mention the fact that there are stupidly large numbers of emulators on linux, so you're game base is pretty much huge...

I still have windows installed, but I havent booted into it for over 6 months now.

Another cool thing, I plugged in my usb converter thingie for Playstation controllers. It instantly recognised it, and could be used, comparitively, on windows there was a hell of alot of fudging about... you wouldn't expect installing a gaming device to be easier on linux then on windows ^_^'

There are two things you have to remember when turning to linux, the first thing is there will be a week or two, after installation where your system works itself in, to become 100% stable. (at least the first time you install). I'd call the linux distros I've installed as stable as windows out of the box, and then after a week or two I can run it non stop for weeks without any slowdown or crashes. Even in gaming.

The second thing is, that graphic drivers are stupid, god hates them. Nah... thats a lie... but the graphics card makers are a bit behind in the linux department... okay... thats also a lie. Most of the graphics card makers are very behind in the linux department. The exception to the rule is Nvidia. So if you want to game on Linux, use a Nvidia card. I'd say Nvidia have the best cards in the world at the moment anyway (ATI released something better, but the latest nvidia cards are nearly equal and half the price...). There is heaps of help for installing nvidia driver on the internet... whatever your disrtro... in fact... there is heaps of help for installing anything linux related on the internet... You've never seen the internet in action untill you start using linux, and working your system into perfect order by following the billions guides and things... really really...

I wonder if I've gone off topic...

:S... I cant remember what it was anymore...

Anyway... The only two distros worth looking at at the moment are Fedora and Ubuntu...

There are some others you might play with, but using either of those will give you a good starting point... they push you just far enough in for you to know what you're doing, but not too far that you end up having to buy a new computer, and rebuild the exploded in wall by your desk.

I hope that helps some people.


Some links...

Fedora Website - http://fedora.redhat.com
Fedora Core 3 Installation Notes (GOD) - http://stanton-finley.net/fedora_core_3_installation_notes.html
The Unofficial Fedora FAQ (GOD's little brother, ROD) - http://www.fedorafaq.org/

Ubuntu Website - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/
Ubuntu Linux Forums - http://www.ubuntuforums.org/
Unofficial Ubuntu 4.10 Starter Guide - http://www.ubuntuguide.org/

Linux and FreeBSD Drivers - http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux.html
NVNews Linux Forum - http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=14

The site... - http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/

(meep... seems as though I got a bit carried away... ^_^')

(I love linux)



Emutalk Bounty Hunter.
I agree, nVidia has the best cards for 3D Accel in linux in that they are by far the EASIEST to setup, espically if you use the Unofficial Fedora FAQ YUM Conf file. Also, check out Cedega, which is OUTSTANDING for playing windows games in linux, with my rig I play CS:S in FC3 without a hitch, and it's constantly updated.


New member
No problem... any time you want an excessively long reply just give me a yell.


Oh... and I dont know why you'd want to use MSN when you have gaim (infinitely better... IMHO, though I'll admit you have to get used to its quirks if you've only been using MSN... which you'd have to do with anything really) here's a link.


(yay for the wine app database!)
