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Is there any tool that lets me translate n64 roms?


New member
I would like to translate the rumble version of Super Mario 64 and Wave Race, that way we can have these rumble games in english/spanish.

Do I need to be a programmer to translate these roms?

Thanks in Advance.


New member
... oo yer i forgot there were rumble versions o them games out lol. well, it would require extractin all of the audio and text... some of which will be in a graphic format, and manually translating it wouldnt it? sounds like a big job. and you'd need a program ( which i doubt exists ) to extract it and put it back in, or add it like we do with texture packs. or be some sort of computer whizz and do that manually aswell.....


New member
no, i don't wanna translate the audio, lol, just the text. Can any rom translator please tell me how to do this?


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
You do realize that the reason why there isn't any N64 roms translations is because translating an N64 game is hard unless all the text is in graphical form, don't you?

If the text is in graphical form, you can edit it by making your own hi-res texture pack with the text modified. Look up the Sin and Punishment thread over at the hires textures project forum to see what I'm talking about.


Programmer | Moderator
look in the 1964 hi-rez section. theres tools and guides of how to do it there.


There's a few ways of going about translation...

Super Mario 64's script is compressed and requires a tool to edit/reinsert the edited text, a tool was released just a few days ago to help with this, however afaik it only supports the (U) version of Mario.

Wave Race I haven't looked at in that way, I imagine all the menu's etc are stored as seperate images, I've no idea if they are compressed though. If you look at the rom using a tool called 'Tile Molester' it should let you view some of the games graphics if you can get the right format showing, and if they arent compressed.

There's always the 'texture replacement' option in some of the graphics plugins, though thats the easy and boring way =P but it'd probably be more than enough for what you want to do :) Feel free to msg me if you want help doing it via editing the rom, I've 'studied' a few n64 roms so might be able to help a little if you need :)


New member
Thanks, my first project would be Super Mario 64. I was truly inspired by an OoT rom that is fan translated in Spanish, no texture-replacement needed. Can I do the same with Super Mario 64?

Ok, where do I start? Can you guys give me any link to download any helpful tool? Btw Quvack, do you have MSN?


Programmer | Moderator
Sorry i dont know! you could always just get the usa version of the rom. because thats a very good tool for editing the text.


New member
Ok, I've decided to try with a (U) rom using zion's suggested tool, but I'm having a problem with the ROM extender.

*MIO0 files could not be found*
*Cannot open MIO0 files*

This happens with all the (u) roms provided in the 7z of super mario 64. They are all with the z64 extension. Is there any way to fix this?

Btw, the rom extends to 24 MBs and plays normally in Project 64, but when I open the rom in Text Wrangler it doesn't recognize it.

What can I do?


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
It shouldn't matter if the ROM is in z64 format since the bytes are already in order. The bytes need to be in order. Do not try to use any other version than the (U) [!] one.

Make sure that you have the 'MIO0files' folder in the same directory with the ROM Extender.
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New member
Thanks Agozer, now it works. The problem is, can I save my work as an IPS file? If not, then I can't link to my spanish rom since it would be illegal.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
What you need is an IPS creation tool. You should find at least a few via Google easily. You just need the copy of the unaltered rom and your modified rom. The program will compare the two files and dump the difference to a file that is the IPS file.

And no, you can't link to the modified rom image.
