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Is it possible to play ISOs on a real Dreamcast?


New member
Hi. I was curious....what utlities would someone need to be able to play DC roms, in ISO format on a real DC? If I simply mod my DC, would it work? Or would I need to actually burn the games on to a GD? If so, where can I buy blank GD disks?


New member
First of all before we start I would like to say that not all Dreamcast models can play cd recordables. And that NTSC models can't play PAL games on a 60hz television if the television doesn't support 50hz. As I know of all PAL models can play cd recordables and PAL or NTSC games on a PAL 50/60hz television. Ok, let's start...

You can't play DC games in ISO format on a real DC. This is because the ISO format is just a container that holds the contents of a medium like cd, dvd or gdrom.

You only have to burn the contents of this ISO image with your favourite burning program if it fits on a regular 700MB recordable. If it's not selfbootable then you have two choices. Boot your dreamcast with an utopia boot disc and swap it with your game. Or make it selfbootable with Exoboot or makecdi. Exoboot can burn a final selfbootable disc directly to your cd recordable.

makecdi: http://www.emutalk.net/attachment.p...achmentid=21937
ExoBoot v1.31: http://www.emutalk.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=19059
vbrun60sp3: http://www.emutalk.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=18954
VBRun60sp5: http://www.emutalk.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=18955
(vbrun install are only needed if exoboot doesn't work)

You can check if your game is already selfbootable when the image contains two or more tracks. When the first or last track is 2MB in size then your game is already selfbootable. You can check with Nero, Alcohol 120%, UltraISO, WinISO, etc.

If you use the makecdi method the result is an .cdi image that you can burn through deamon tools 3.29 virtual cd with your favourite burning program. In your burning program select the virtual cd as the source and your writer as your target.

Hope this helps.


Emutalk Bounty Hunter.
You can play PAL games on an NTSC tv, most of them give you a 60Hz option, if they don't there's usually a patch to force 60Hz to a game if you look hard enough.
