AlphaWolf said:
Nvidias cards have sub-par image quality and waste power on laptops. The only thing I am doing here is dispelling the rumors that the fanboys/girls are spreading about one brand being totally superior to the other.
Generally, IQ on Nvidia products and ATi products are comparable. ATi has better quality FSAA, but ATi's FSAA doesn't AA everything. Plus Nvidia has a lot more FSAA options. Some of which do compare very well against Ati's FSAA quality wise. Nvidia's AF seems to be a little better though. Especially in certian angle viewing situations. Most of the people who have both an NvidiaFX card and Ati Radeons say that IQ is comparable on both. Again, it's not one cards IQ totally dominating the other.
The current FW 52.16 video drivers have been found to contain a lot more FSAA options for the FX cards then before. Using the newest Rivatuner along with the 52.16 dets, these FSAA options have been found. Some are new and undocumented, some are old:
old modes enabled:
FSAAMode12 = 4x 9tap
FSAAMode05 = 4x Super Sampling
FSAAMode16 = old 6x
FSAAMode18 = old 8x
new unknown modes:
FSAAMode01 = mystery horizonal SS?
FSAAMode02 = mystery vertical SS?
FSAAMode0C = mystery SS mode?
FSAAMode14 = mystery texture filter
FSAAMode0A = StarStorm Quality
These new modes were found by the users of FX cards by editing the Rivatuner config file.
As far as synthetic benchmark cheating goes, both companies do it. Using anti detects with Nvidia/Ati cards, the Game 4 Nature benchmark in 3dmark2k1se runs at a much less FPS on both products. With the newest 52.16 dets, it seems Nvidia may have gotten rid of the cheat for the Game4 nature test. A lot of Nvidia card users are complaining about dropped framerates/scores in 3dmark2k1se. It's stupid I know, but I see it at every hardware forum. "The 52.16 suck!!! My score in 3dmark2k1se dropped 2000 points!!" Pff.
In my own benchmark testing, the Nature test in 3dmark2k1se did drop in FPS from 140 fps to 100 fps. Lost about 40 fps going from the 44.67 to the 52.16s. Total score in 3dmark2k1se also dropped. But it's a synthetic benchmark which has been Optimized by both companies. Seems that Nvidia may have taken out a few "cheats" from it though.
I don't really care about synthetic benchmarks. I test them only to compare on a driver to driver base. The actual games I've tested are running much better with the current drivers.
Damn. This post is getting too long. :blink: