I wouldn't mind a faster connection, as my current one is 33k, but you got your connection through the uni, right? So unless I buy a flat in city or sign into the uni I won't be seing those dl speeds anytime soon... I know how you feel, it's not easy being on top...
actually, your not at the top, my brother stands higher than you. at his university on a t3 (i think it was t3) connection he had downloads going at about 1.8 mb/sec, so he beat you!!!
Martin I beat that easily. I live in an apartment complex that has a T3 line. Out of the 696 rooms, I'd be willing to bet there is only 100 computers on it, and that includes the 5 computers in their on-site computer lab. I get blazing speeds.
We're 144 apartments sharing a 100Mbit connection. mesman00: your brother is a member?
Eagle: not too sure you beat that easily...have any speed reports?