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Hardware needed for making backup ROMs?


New member
Hi, everyone. I don't know if this is the right place to post this or not, but anyway, I was wondering if any of you know where to get the hardware needed to make backup ROMs of Sega Master System games. I'd like to find that for Nintendo, Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis too, but the Sega Master System is the one I'm really interested in finding that for.

If anyone can tell me, I would really appreciate it. You can respond in this forum or E-mail me at [email protected] if you want. ...I guess that's it. ...Bye.


*sigh* these devices are forbidden in mostcountries , so no discussion is allowed on this forum about how to rip games from a cartridge , or copy it...


New member
I don't know the names of said devices, but a quick google search should help with that. Purchasing one may require a trip to eBay. I doubt they're being manufactured anymore.
