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Gilde 64 X Gln64


New member
What is the difference or wich oine is better? Gilde 64 or Gln64?

To me gilde64 works fine with almost all my games, i use evoodoo too. But i don't know if these plugins are the same or different, or wich is better.



Active member
They are two completely different plugins by different authors. glN64() is an advanced OpenGL plugin while Glide64 is an advanced Glide plugin.

Which performs better depends on hardware. Lower-end cards (Worse than GeForce 2 or thereabouts) don't work very well with glN64() [If at all], whereas Glide64 will work better. Glide64 probably has the best compatibility with games of all plugins.

On a higher-end machine with a fairly powerful Radeon or GeForce, glN64() works better because it has no wrapper (and therefore no wrapper issues) and has better enhancements for the graphics, and hi-res framebuffer. glN64() is less compatible than Glide64.
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