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game problems


New member
Im having issues with several games. first of all, the "controller pak" seems to be corrupt, and it won't work right. how do I get this working, because I can get some games to play without it, but they all ask me to reformat the card everytime I play.

Second, NBA Courtside won't work at all and is listed as playable. I've tried different plugins but none seem to work. Help!


New member
Just tried NBA Courtside 2 (the Kobe Bryant one, yeah) and it worked fine with GLn64, Jabos 1.5.1 etc Is there a NBA Courtside 1 for the N64 too?

As for the controller pak, go into Nrages plugin and reformat it (if you haven't already).


New member
The corrupt controller pak I've had before and I believe it happens when two controllers point to the same file and it's in use. Not sure though but this may help you find the problem I hope


New member
Yup, there's a courtside 1 and its a kobe one too. I tried like every plugin I have(about 8 plugs) but none worked...maby its a bad rom, but I did find courtside 2 so I guess I'll just go download it instead! as for the memory pak, it keeps saying couldn't create/open mempakfile ErrorDescription: THe system cannot find the path specified
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New member
as for the memory pak, it keeps saying couldn't create/open mempakfile ErrorDescription: THe system cannot find the path specified

Just manually create the mempaks folder and it will work fine.


New member
the mempaks folder is already in the same folder as 1964, but it won't make saves for games, or even start with a memcard in it even after i hit my shortcut for it. after i hit the shortcut for insert memcard, it says the error message


New member
but it won't make saves for games, or even start with a memcard in it even after i hit my shortcut for it. after i hit the shortcut for insert memcard, it says the error message

I think you mean that you created a shortcut to the 1964 executable... go into the properties of the shortcut and make sure the "start in" line is the correct 1964 path. Obviously the "target" line is fine.


New member
no, i don't mean a shortcut, I mean an actual folder called MemCards that just poped up in my 1964 folder (the one with my roms saves and the actual emulator is) srry but I need more help!
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New member
whoops my bad, I ment to put MemPaks cause that's what the folder's called, not MemCards srry but it's still not working!
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New member
Hey guys, I really need to get this to work because many games use the controller pak! Does anyone know anything I can try to do to get this working? please! also, I got courtside 2 and it didn't work either, in fact I downloaded like 10 bball games and only nba in the zone worked. I have the latest Jabo's and Daedalus plugs so what's up? lastly, I have one game that goes way to fast. is there a way to slow it down (using Rice's Daedalus 1.5.0) Thanks
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the old guy
well i got nba courtside running with rices 5.3.1 in opengl mode with no framebuffer. it runs with slowdown but it is playable. you have to set your combiner mode correctly for rices or you will never be happy with it. with an intel pentium four and an nvidia something you should be able to run this game better than i did. On the combiner type try for tnt or better or try 1.4

As for the mempak with n rages plugin just go to controller pak then set it ot mempak then click new mempak , in the browser window just type MemPak 1 and click open. and it will create the mempak
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New member
Yay, the mampak is working now! as for the NBA Courtside 1 and 2... not so much luck. I think that you're right, that I can get it working with Daedalus 5.3.1, so I downloaded it, but 1964 won't recognise it (it won't appear in the dropdown window) I think this could fix lots of my games that didn't work (madden '99, 2000, 2002, All the bball games I had, and all of the other sports games that didn't work) also, is there any way to slow down games? Chamelion Twist 2 goes WAY too fast and it's really hard to kill ennemies when they move at like 10x faster than normal. Thanks, and hopefully this will be the last thing I have to ask help for!


New member
hey guys, I noticed from rcgamer's screenshot that he ws using a newer version of 1964 (I ddn't know a new one was out) anyways I got the new one and everything is working Perfect! Thanks for all of your guys's help!
