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Free Adventure Games!!


News Junkie
Hey guys,

Thought I'd spread the wealth. There have been a lot of remakes of old-school adventure games over the past couple years, and not everybody knows about them yet. Adventure games are those point-and-click ones where you have to use, push, talk, look, all those basic commands. There are also lots of NEW adventure games made by adventure-game fans that have incredible storylines.

Sierra's King's Quest 1 + King's Quest 2 (Has MP3 Music and Speech-Pack Downloads... each game is like 70MB)

LucasArts' Zak McKraken (1 or 2?) + Maniac Mansion 1

Sierra's Leisure Suit Larry 2 You need both files to install this...

...and to save the best for last, there is the "Adventure Gaming Studio" website, which is a program which lets you create your own adventure games. There are a TON of adventure-game downloads, good and bad, on the website, and some are extraordinarily awesome.

"5 Days a Stranger" ~Seems to have a dumb story at first but then quickly becomes addicting and scary. I stayed up 'till 6am last night playing this, had to turn the light on.

Enjoy! I know these games have incredibly out-dated graphics, but these old games can keep me hooked even more than some of the newest games could ever.

Drop a post here if you enjoy one of them, or find a gem on the AGS website. :evil:
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