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Framerate boosting in next release?


New member
I remember someone posting about a modified version of 1964 that allowed the emulator to simulate an overclocked N64. Any news on that?


New member
Yeah, I've already tried that. I was wondering if might be a feature of an official release.


Active member
Possibly, but it'll only be of significant use with a couple of games (G007/PD), and emulation improvements and such have much higher priority.


New member
Possibly, but it'll only be of significant use with a couple of games (G007/PD), and emulation improvements and such have much higher priority.

I think running all games at 100% of their desired frame rate (whether 60/30/20fps) is significant. Every game I have tried doesn't reach 100% of their desired frame rate in every scene, even Mario 64 drops below 30, and Zelda drops below 20. Nearly any split screen multiplayer game drops below desired frame rate very frequently (SF RUSH, MARIO KART, etc). The difference is night and day playing SF RUSH multiplayer with that build I gave, you can actually enjoy it. :)

It's only some games like the Rare ones which maximize the complete potential to run at 60fps like you mentioned, but yeah, wouldn't say running every game completely smooth is that insignificant.
