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Fireprowrestling D Translation? Anyone Have One?


Zelda Maniac!!!
I'm looking for a translation for Fireprowrestling. Anyone got one? I really wanted to try this game out but I can't read Japanese.


There is no FPD translation (yet, anyway). Most likely the only person who fulfills both requirements to do such a thing (huge Fire Pro fan, as well as the knowledge to actually do it) is Jason Blackhart, and he's devoted his time lately to working on a Final Fire Pro translation. If there were one thing besides an FPD translation that I'd want, it would be that.

There are VMU rename save files out there that translate all the promotion and wrestler names to english, as well as downloadable add-on moves that are hacked to English from Japanese (I actually did those myself...but my knowledge doesn't extend far enough to do the entire game, sorry). You can get them at gswf.org.

Also in the downloads section are guides for people to navigate through the game for those who can't read Japanese.

Hopefully someday someone will translate the entire game, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
