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|\/|etroid Prime 2 is the Bee's Knees


I've got about 40% scanned so far but it still seems like I'm not too far in the game. The picture is of your first Armor upgrade - the Dark Suit. I really like this adventure/fps/puzzle genere mix.


Lol now, that armor really sucks. Looks crappy like hell :p Hopefully, I'll get the next one soon! It's like you get the last one at the end of the game... :plain:
But yes... very intresting game. It's different from the first metroid prime by some things. There's but two things that pretty much sucks 'bout this game... first, all the fuggin' annoying enemies that re-appear which are had to beat and the ammo system...
Great game! ;)


Apropos Dark Suit, wasn't that Blue suit on the left of my shot supposed to be the Dark suit, or is it another suit?
