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Ei Rice, plz read this


New member
Your current Beta10 plug-in renders in-game differently, as shown on the comparison.


Can u plz try and make it so it can be rendered in-game as it is shown in photoshop or sumthing. Thanks

Im Bored

what are you talking about? Theres a slight tonal difference but I put that down to file types, and its not too noticeable. If your on about the splicing then thats inherent to NM, because of how the textures are applied. Im pretty sure the extra repeated areas are for when the two body polys shift in-match, so they dont just split apart.

And if your on about the grainy quality your textures have, with noticeable colour shifts, then thats because of your graphics card. Mine does the same, but on a higher spec card it is fine.

Toast Siege

EmuTalk Memberr
Also, make sure you have 32-bit Textures selected as the "Texture Quality" option in the Texture Filters tab. What you're showing here sort of looks like its had its colours reduced (to 16-bit or somesuch).
