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Direct64 v0.5.03.25


New member
i think you got the worng idea !
Retexture Projects have nothing to do here in this thread!
plz keep in mind that this thread is related to orkins plugin and its issues
(at leas thats what i think ^^)
wbr Shin Gouki


orkin is implementing an retexture-pack option like in rice's plugin ;)
so both plugins are able to use the same packs :) + orkin implements cell shading
Could you please post an image of how link would look like with cell-shading option on?


New member
Loaded it , I give it a big fat NO NO NO

1. missing FAA ASF
2. Missing Coronas on Castle Flames

That was just the paliminary problems there were more

Jabodx8 plugin would be prefect if it had a filter like rice beta 10
and the ability to select FAA and ASF , I mean I realise N64 games
don't know what ASF is and don't use it but come on at least give
the ability to select FAA

It seems BMGlib.dll Bit Map Graphics is core modual to all the plugins
not much on the web about it other than it's a Bit Map Graphics dll

does it just not support directx 9 or what ?

You can critisize me for working on development if you want
everyone else here seems to be free to talk about development
so I don't feel I'm in the wrong there.


New member
Jabodx8 plugin would be prefect if it had a filter like rice beta 10
and the ability to select FAA and ASF , I mean I realise N64 games
don't know what ASF is and don't use it but come on at least give
the ability to select FAA

It does.... Try using it once in a while and looking at the options. FAA and ASF are included - you may need to set up a profile for it in your Nvidia graphics options though (may overide the settings of the plugin - this was explained somewhere).

A quick note, I think bug reports are totally welcomed, starting a post with I give this plugin a big fat NO NO NO; is disrespectful IMO.

FSAA is Orkin Sampling btw
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Member ready to help
Direct 64 is a great plug-in, in my FX5200 (R.I.P.) it´s works really nice, orki made an great job in this plug-in, and we wait for the new Direct 64, with new features (high res. textures, bump mapping, and something like cell-shading)
Perfect emulation in SuperMario64,Zelda Ocarina Of Time,Wave Race,F-ZeroX,1080Snowboarding, etc
Oh, and Orkin Sampling is Full-scene anti aliasing, anisotropic filtering, force it in the drivers


d1R3c764 & g1|\|64 m4|<3R
Progress is slow lately, but I have made progress. Most hi-res textures load now. Still working on CI textures though.


Zelda CelShade Producer
yes orkin looks great , i see you use my retex pack , wonderfull......

I hope i can test this soon!!!


New member
take your time Orkin :)
i can´t say this often enough, emu /plugin coding is DAmn hard working so pretty cool to see some progress :)
wbr Shin Gouki


The Grand Potatomaster
Any progress is good progress. I'm looking forward to the next release, however far off it may be.


New member
Really looking forward to the truform and hirez options!

Any idea why truform didn't catch on? I don't think they even bothered to support it in hardware after the radeon 8500. They just included a software impementation in the drivers after that. Does enabling it have a noticable effect in modern games with a newer radeon?


Try Halflife1 with trueform turned on in direct-x mode... the characters look much rounder then before! only the textures are shitty ;)

This is the only game i found where Truform is working.
Don't ask me how, because this game is made long before the truform option was useable in Hardware.

maybe in quake2 it is working too
but i cant test it because i dont have this game
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Noxious Ninja

New member
One of the Half-Life patches added TruForm support. Unfortunately, it doesn't work quite right with the high-def pack, and causes some models to "flutter".

Anyway, I didn't know there was a DirectX mode in Half-Life... I thought it only used OpenGL?


Zelda Maniac!!!
That cel shaded Link looks oh so awesome!!! I can't wait to try this when it's released on Mario 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day, and WWF No Mercy!
