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Direct3D Problem


New member
Ok, this is a weird one. I'm trying to set up Direct3D drawing in my emulator, and I've gotten it set up and working with no errors, but when it clears the screen and presents it (thats all its doing atm), the clear color is drawn behind the main window instead of in it. Anyone know how I can solve this, or have any guesses?


I thought maybe a picture would help (The window used to be where the black box is) :
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New member
Heh, figured it out. Apparently Direct3D doesn't like WS_EX_LAYERED style, which I need in order to fade in the window using SetWindowTransparency.


Active member
Bah, alpha blending is only on 2000/XP and above, why even bother with such silly things? :p


New member
sethmcdoogle: I'm well aware of that fact, and I have OS detection so that it doesn't even bother if the OS is not 2K or XP

aprentice: As for the GUI effects, I have specifically steered away from "overdoing" it, and from all the people I've sent the beta too I've gotten great feedback on that specific effect. Besides you have to option to turn it off if you don't like it :p

Doomulation: thanks for that, I spent about 2 days doing the initial design for that logo :happy:


It's so NIIIIIIIICE I wish I had one for myself for anything I've done. But... I can't design that kinda things. Oh well. It looks beutiful with that emulator, though. I think I can live with seeing that.
