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dexdrives again! i know everybody wants to talk about them


New member
hey, look! -> :shaun: <- can i hump it?

having gotten that done with, i get to my question. i see people ask about using dexdrive saves (.n64 mempak images). i see others reply to them that n-rage's plugin can handle them. and that is always the end of the discussion.

but either i am seriously missing something, or that doesn't really answer the whole question. people ask in reference to Zelda: Ocarina and Goldeneye saves... but all those contain are EEPROM/SRAM dumps and, since the gameshark ROM does not function in our emulators, i do not see a way to upload to the ROM's battery files. in the case of an EEPROM, that might not be so hard, because you can extract the .sav from the .n64 and it basically is the .eep from what i can tell. however, in the cast of OOT, the rom uses the 32K SRAM save type, which the gameshark/dexdrive/whatever apparently compresses into the same format as the 4kbit EEPROM.

since the discussions usually ended after the people received their answers, it seems like they figured out how to upload the saved data to the emulated cartriges, but i cannot. i tried several mempak <-> cartridge archiving ROMs but the best i could do is have one save another .eep file identical to the one i fed it. it refuses to save under another type (just fails the write if i force it). if i try to load the game with a .n64 with a saved game in it loaded in n-rage's plugin, pj64 crashes.

what is the solution here? if no one here knows of any, i can start trying to get a converter made or something.. though its something i would have to get someone else to make, at the moment, probably. i am too n00b at data formats. but if there IS a solution, which i am apparently missing because it's so obvious, i would appreciate learning it
