ok it has been like at least like 4 years since DC came out but no emu. well there r some but they cant do much but play demos and homemade games. already there is a ps2 emu, xbox, and even a Gamecube(not sure how thats gonna work) and already the xbox emu's show signs of being able to play games and it hasnt been out near as long as DreamCast. rite now we have some dude who claims his program "Icarus" can play games but all he has to show is pic's that maybe r not real, and when he releases it its probibly not gonna work and i think that dude should releases it so we can help him with finding bugs, he cant do it all by himself. i know i need to chill and just wait a few more years but i think maybe it will never come out. we all know its pretty much possible to emu a dc game but i guess the question we all r asking ourselfs is when?