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CXBX runs a commercial game!


Tsury said:
I mean, GameCube emulation has long way to get to a playability of real speed and smooth gameplay with no crashes (Though I'm quite sure this will be acheived in not too much time from now).

Stop with the Ludes already. Bust a move 3000 is more perfect than any of the other next gen consoles playing any title at all. Cxbx does look very promising, as does pcsx2, et al, but let's face it Dolphin is way ahead of the pack.

Oh yeah, and there was already an xbox emu that could play halo decently with some heavy tweaking. Now if only someone could get Halo (the xbox version) to run on pc with mouse/key support... :D I could show all these n00bs like my 15 year old cousin a lesson. And don't even mention halo the pc version, it is a true microsoft product, full of bugs, and hardly worth the download, much less purchase price. *sigh*


The Forbidden One
I've never seen Microsoft not being true to itself... In fact, trying to solve the bugs of Windows and getting it to work correctly is far more enjoyable than any other game...


Evrain said:
I've never seen Microsoft not being true to itself... In fact, trying to solve the bugs of Windows and getting it to work correctly is far more enjoyable than any other game...

Not when it's work related.... grumble grumble grumble


The Forbidden One
Or when Internet Exploder decides to stop working when you have to join an important discussion in a Web-based chat...


New member
Stezo2k said:
did he update his cvs'? only saw one from last year on sourceforge

yes he did same ver as in vid i compiled i`m preety sure it is anyway

but i had to use the cvs from teh openxdk as well to compile since the cvs tree of the cxbx is missing xboxkern headers so grab em from oepndxdk adn ti will compile fine in visual c ++ 6 i used make sure to add includes to paths for compiler builds.


New member
khanmeister said:
Stop with the Ludes already. Bust a move 3000 is more perfect than any of the other next gen consoles playing any title at all. Cxbx does look very promising, as does pcsx2, et al, but let's face it Dolphin is way ahead of the pack.

Oh yeah, and there was already an xbox emu that could play halo decently with some heavy tweaking. Now if only someone could get Halo (the xbox version) to run on pc with mouse/key support... :D I could show all these n00bs like my 15 year old cousin a lesson. And don't even mention halo the pc version, it is a true microsoft product, full of bugs, and hardly worth the download, much less purchase price. *sigh*

Ok, Bust-A-Move 3000 is nothing else than a 2d old technology game, and I don't think you got me right... I meant the progress by playability as in speed and bugs... And sorry, I just can't count Bust-A-Move when looking on a game like Super Smash Brothers Melee and Zelda: WW (Which uses PixelShading!) I just can't count it...

But you are right when in what you said when looking on the support of games by Dolphin (Which can run almost of the games, but to early levels like menu, ads at the begining etc..)

And about PC Halo :) Well, Though I've finished both the xBox ver and the PC ver, I must say that the PC ver runs smoothly with no bugs, and very nice graphics (Atleast on my Radeon 9700Pro) and I must admit I enjoyed playing it more than I enjoyed the xBox ver :}


New member
Tsury said:
about PC Halo :) Well, Though I've finished both the xBox ver and the PC ver, I must say that the PC ver runs smoothly with no bugs, and very nice graphics (Atleast on my Radeon 9700Pro) and I must admit I enjoyed playing it more than I enjoyed the xBox ver :}
With a high-end videocard it's decently playable, but with a 5600 or lower it's a bit shit (chugs in places it really shouldn't). The major issue for me was the control - it's like they just mapped the PC mouse input onto the Xbox joystick control scheme and hoped we wouldn't notice. Given how long it took to come out I expected at the very least a decent control scheme.


New member
Alchy said:
With a high-end videocard it's decently playable, but with a 5600 or lower it's a bit shit (chugs in places it really shouldn't). The major issue for me was the control - it's like they just mapped the PC mouse input onto the Xbox joystick control scheme and hoped we wouldn't notice. Given how long it took to come out I expected at the very least a decent control scheme.

Well I didn't feel something wrong with the controls, although I am a hardcore player... Was drunk by the hype of Halo I guess :) But you can't take the delay between the pc and the xbox as a function of improvments, look at Duke Nukem Forever, Halflife 2 and Doom 3, they all did a mistake by delaying too much, and now they wanna improve... And besides, Halo was just fine, you can't be a spoiled gamer :)


I'm excited for higher compatibility, obviously, but I'm wondering if there is a way to run an ISO directly, or you HAVE to burn it? This is a gray area I'm sure, if anyone is offended, sorry.


khanmeister said:
I'm excited for higher compatibility, obviously, but I'm wondering if there is a way to run an ISO directly, or you HAVE to burn it? This is a gray area I'm sure, if anyone is offended, sorry.

by the looks of things, it looks like the files will need to be extracted from an ISO if you wanted to play them


The Forbidden One
Am I the only one here who thinks the source code it's better than the games? o_O Anyway, I've never heard of Xbox equivalent to ELF files.
