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Compability List - you can help!


WhineCube author
Many people seems to have questions about how WhineCube handles various games and demos. To help answer them, I made a Compability List which centered on homebrew. Now it should be expanded to cover commercial games, but I find that I don't have time to do it, which is where you come in.

Assuming you're interested, you'll need to edit the HTML file directly (no Dreamweaver or Frontpage, just plain text editors). You'll also need to synchronize your work with each other so we end up with a single version of the List. This could be done by posting the names of the games you intend to add to the List in this thread. When you're done, send me (by PM, IRC or email) the modified HTML file, and I'll upload it.

What do y'all think?


aka Chrono Archangel
hehe i already have a list started of comemrcial games. ill post it here in a few minutes, maybe you guys can base it off that.

EDIT: attached my file, you guys can do what you want with it
Last edited:


WhineCube author
I was unclear in my first post, and for that I apologize. I meant for you to make a copy of the compability list that's displayed on my website and edit that. Here's a direct link.


aka Chrono Archangel
Masken said:
I was unclear in my first post, and for that I apologize. I meant for you to make a copy of the compability list that's displayed on my website and edit that. Here's a direct link.

hehe k, guess i can kick my arse and include my results, ill send it to you on irc when im done


Plugin coder / Betatester
I suggest you should try out a basic php/mysql system to maintain the list since the current way will be difficult too update/maintain after an increasement of the list.


WhineCube author
I don't understand how that would make things any easier, unless the page is Wikified. Was that what you had in mind?


Everyone gets what he deserves
Hi guys!
Now that WhineCube has shown progress and GP Copy is emulated other games must show screen now! For example Crazy Taxi:) Can you tell me some of these games?? Please! Also, i have created a list with with suggestions for WhineCube! Would u like me to to upload it???

See ya guys!,


aka Chrono Archangel
punisher001 said:
Hi guys!
Now that WhineCube has shown progress and GP Copy is emulated other games must show screen now! For example Crazy Taxi:) Can you tell me some of these games?? Please! Also, i have created a list with with suggestions for WhineCube! Would u like me to to upload it???

See ya guys!,

check the compatibility list again. Crazy Taxi still doesnt boot, more GP operations need to be emulated.

im guessing suggestions are always welcomed...post your list. Masken might take it into consideration


Everyone gets what he deserves
Suggestions list vol.1

It would be nice to...
1)Add Fullscreen mode
2)Add Direct-Input (hey, it would be nice to play GC games with my psx joystick ;) )
3)Have finished Save State support in the next release
4)Have support for compressed GC images (GC images are big and it is borring to decompress them
from RAR format everytime:( )
6)Add many resolutions, not only 640x480 that is currently! And of course many Fullscreen resolutions!
7)Design a new site and update it more frequently if you can (and if you want to of course!! I know i can't order you!)
8)Add virtual Game Boy Advance (in order to play games such as Pac-Man Vs. & Zelda- Four Swords Adventure)
9)Improve Pad configure interface
I hope you like my help! I can't find any other way to help :p


aka Chrono Archangel
punisher001 said:
_Chrono_ what kind of music is Evanescene(my favorite band!) :) ??? I think its Nu Metal right??

k talk about being WAY off topic now. use the private messages for these kind of questions...

now lets get back to WhineCube's compatibility list


Sonic Has Advanced
Punisher, DirectInput isn't just for joysticks you know :D
also, Making a GBA Emulator that would communicate with the game would be hard todo.


New member
Update with 81 new games

Well, not 81 unique games, some are just PAL/NTSC/JAP variants of existing entries. This HTML file still passes the W3C checker referenced at the bottom of the page. Though I sometimes want to stab my eyes out while waiting for the interpreter to get to the same point as the recompiler, rest assured many many more tests are on the way ;)


aka Chrono Archangel
perosus said:
Well, not 81 unique games, some are just PAL/NTSC/JAP variants of existing entries. This HTML file still passes the W3C checker referenced at the bottom of the page. Though I sometimes want to stab my eyes out while waiting for the interpreter to get to the same point as the recompiler, rest assured many many more tests are on the way ;)

nice :) finally someone that can add alot of games to the list :)
i found the best way to add entries is by editing with Notepad :p check it out


aka Chrono Archangel
raksmey, try with Advance mode for games that give: Invalid memory address:FCAB279F(035C27BF)

and for games that give Internal Error VISI order discrepancy, switch from Exact Fast to Realtime

you might get better results :)
