Many people seems to have questions about how WhineCube handles various games and demos. To help answer them, I made a Compability List which centered on homebrew. Now it should be expanded to cover commercial games, but I find that I don't have time to do it, which is where you come in.
Assuming you're interested, you'll need to edit the HTML file directly (no Dreamweaver or Frontpage, just plain text editors). You'll also need to synchronize your work with each other so we end up with a single version of the List. This could be done by posting the names of the games you intend to add to the List in this thread. When you're done, send me (by PM, IRC or email) the modified HTML file, and I'll upload it.
What do y'all think?
Assuming you're interested, you'll need to edit the HTML file directly (no Dreamweaver or Frontpage, just plain text editors). You'll also need to synchronize your work with each other so we end up with a single version of the List. This could be done by posting the names of the games you intend to add to the List in this thread. When you're done, send me (by PM, IRC or email) the modified HTML file, and I'll upload it.
What do y'all think?