I'm starting a new match making service: http://www.ClassicGamingArena.com That will be supporting old school console systems. Right now it's just an alternative to zbattle and the ZSNES emulator.
I'm looking into adding more emulators, such as JNES. I understand JNES supports Kaillera. I'm working on a kaillera p2p client which will work in place of the stock kaillera client. I was wondering if it's possible to make a version of JNES that will support command line arguments to load kaillera and the following info for netplay?
I'm not sure if the project is open souce or not. If it is, I can do this myself. If not, I hope you can make me a quick build for this. I would like to use JNES as the next emulator for my project.
I'm looking into adding more emulators, such as JNES. I understand JNES supports Kaillera. I'm working on a kaillera p2p client which will work in place of the stock kaillera client. I was wondering if it's possible to make a version of JNES that will support command line arguments to load kaillera and the following info for netplay?
I'm not sure if the project is open souce or not. If it is, I can do this myself. If not, I hope you can make me a quick build for this. I would like to use JNES as the next emulator for my project.