I didn't know the console wasn't 100% reliable. Thank you for the info
I've never heard about "dump" before, after a little research with the terms "dump java" on google I see "thread dump" and "head dump" appearing a lot.
Is that what you're talking about ?
All the char cast are definitely a pain in the ass but the console of processing specificly told me to do so and won't "compile" if I don't.
You are right about " V[x] += V[x] + kk;" I should have kept it, my bad
the random() function comes from processing, I tried to include <stdlib,h> but the console give me the error "unexpected token: class"
I really feel like my problem comes from my misunderstanding of processing.
Ohh no a dump is just a text file where you log your instructions
The IDE shouldn't dictate what you do. Type casting (forcing a variable type different that the one you originally declared) shouldn't be an issue.
Type casting works like this. You say int var = 256;
if you try to print the value it will be in fact be 256
now if you cast it (char)var that will produce the ASCII character number 256 (which is an blank space)
as far as i see that's your problem along with the adding on top. You can get rid of your
it was dot on the include my bad try wth
#include <stdlib.h>