Aks Sys Specs - P4 intel 2.8ghz
128MB Nvidia 5200 FX(yes they suck, but it's working well)
Sorry guys I basically play the first level to see if its working, if you wanna get further in the game feel free to do it yourself, I just went thru the "not working" list and tested to see any changes with those titles.
18 Wheeler: Works, Ran Good, choppy sound, might work better as an image.
102 Dalmations - Ran Well(for me)
Action Reply CDX: Crashes Chanka After the Sega Logo
Alone in the Dark 4: Boots but Freezes Here(was the same with alpha 0.1):
Army men: Sound is MESSED in the start menu, then when you start a new game it ends up here....stuck
Buzz Lightyear: still sits at a Black screen
Carrier: io error(weird)
Championship pro surfer: Freezes after the sega screen
Chicken Run: Doesnt crash when starting a new game
Gauntlet Legends: boots to the audio cd(yes mine is selfboot)
Hydro Thunder (All versions): Closes Emu after the sega screen
Illbleed: Game Runs Well, sound is good, started a new game fine
Jimmy White's Cue Ball: Forget about the MMU error, now it freezes after the sega logo(game sucks anyway)
Looney Tunes: Weird sound problems, no sound until character selection and then it's like loud quiet, loud quiet..etc. All the drivers look like an alpha channel(yellow chars)
Matt hoffmans pro BMX: Freezes after sega logo
Ooga Booga: Doesn't boot (confirmed same in alpha 0.2)
Prince of persia - Doesn't boot (confirmed same in alpha 0.2)
Propeller arena: Gets to the Sega Logo Screen
Rayman 2: Starts, but freezes after starting a new game
Razor freestyle scooter: Doesn't boot
Resident Evil 2: Doesn't boot
Sega Bass Fishing: Crashes the emu
Sega Extreme Sports (U): black screen, but you can select things but you cant see them
Soldier of Fortune: black screen
Sonic Shuffle: Boots to the intro, black screen cant see anything.
South Park Chef's Love Shack: Freezes after the Sega Logo Screen
South Park Rally: Music Plays when game is started, but I think its just the ripping groups intro(cant get past this)
Stupid Invaders (E): Black screen (confirmed same in alpha 0.2)
Tee off Golf: This game ran PERFECT, no graphical error's little sound glitches(img file would be better)
Tetris 4D: game loads, plays intro movie, then freezes before you can start a game (same with this version)
Tomb raider chronicles: Black Screen after Sega Logo
Toy Commander: IO Control Error
Toy Story 2: Chanka Crashes after Sega Logo Screen
Vitual Athlete: Ran well, sound was fine, some graphical glitches
Wetrix Plus: hangs at sega screen (confirmed same in alpha 0.2)
Xploder: still Freezes on boot
post looks a little weird after second thought, sorry fo making ppl have to root thru pictures but I went in a alphabetical listing, hope you can all deal with that
Enjoy - Aks