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Can the full screen refresh rate be adjusted?


New member
Searched and didn't see anyone having obvious problem with this... when I run PJ64 in windowed mode, the refresh rate is of course that of whatever I've set for my video card (85Hz). Problem is, when I switch to Full Screen mode of the same (1152x864) resolution or any other resolution, it has clearly set itself to 60Hz. Return to windowed, 85 again. Is there any workaround for this or should I just stick to windowed mode so I don't go blind?

Thanks ahead for the replies.

Greg F.

CpU MasteR

omg h4x
opieant said:
Searched and didn't see anyone having obvious problem with this... when I run PJ64 in windowed mode, the refresh rate is of course that of whatever I've set for my video card (85Hz). Problem is, when I switch to Full Screen mode of the same (1152x864) resolution or any other resolution, it has clearly set itself to 60Hz. Return to windowed, 85 again. Is there any workaround for this or should I just stick to windowed mode so I don't go blind?

Thanks ahead for the replies.

Greg F.

No Dude, it cant be adjusted. Looks Like You Will Have to Live with 60hz ???


New member
Assuming that this happens no matter what ROM you use, I’d try either a newer version (or even an older version) of the graphics plugin and/or a different plugin altogether.
Try http://www.smiff.clara.net/ for additional plugins and recommendations.

Also, if you haven’t already, make sure you have the latest release of your graphics card.


It is not a video plugin problem, it is a hardware problem.
It can be video card or monitor problem


Yes, because I have 85Hz refresh rate at 1024X768 with my monitor, And I have a Geforce 3 TI 500.
With my friend's monitor I got 120Hz at 1024X768, And my friend got 75Hz at 1024X768 with the same monitor with his video card.

My monitor sucks
and my friend's video card sucks.


New member
Sucks for you... However...
opieant is getting 85Hz at 1152x864, just not in fullscreen mode.
This was my first clue that the hardware is ok.


The Other Village Idiot
Actually I have a fix for that.:thumbsup: Of course it's NVidia only... but if you're lucky you can find it at www.voodoofiles.com .

My desktop runs 1152x864@85HZ, and I run emus at 640x480 (2XAA) or 1280x960 (4XAA + S filter). Works fine.


New member
The problem you'll find now is, the XP fix doesn't work with newer NVIDIA drivers ! :(

I have however noticed that since upgrading my drivers (to and uninstalling the XP refresh fix, PJ64 runs at 75hz fullscreen. I think this is because I DID NOT run the registry entry that the fix creates in order to return to original settings. At least it's better than 60hz...

I can't believe Microsoft haven't addressed this problem themselves. Pretty much ALL fullscreen games revert to 60hz, it's damn ridiculous.
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New member
Go into the Windows display settings and set the refresh rate for each resolution/color depth you play games in. That fixes it for me.
