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best plugins to use with zelda majora's mask?


New member
i've been away from the emu scene for a long while now so i'm not current with the best plugins to use.

currently, i am only satisfied with the controller plugin I am using (nrage 1.82)

if it's any help, this is my config:

p4 2.7Ghz
512mb RAM
geforce 2 mx (bleh)

also, please give the settings you use with each plugin if at all possible (without them, the knowledge is often useless)

thanks a bunch


best plugins are...

N-Rage's input 1.82 (most features, and the best imo).
eVoodoo + Unreleased Glide64 (or just an old one, or Jabo's when these can't do the job). The settings are par, you should be able to use the best.
Audio: Jabo's DirectSound 1.5 (if pj, azimer's if 1964).

There are many video plugins out there today, but those listed are the best IMO <--- note that word "IMO" :p
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