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Begginin´with directX


I am reading a book about it and I wanted to know if is it true that the whole emu options can be made with directX or openGL and if is it too hard to emulate snes and also how to put my c++ knowledge on a handheld thx in advance!:)


New member
I'm fairly certain the Nintendo 64 uses something very similar to OpenGL as-is, if not OpenGL itself. I've noticed in my own development with OpenGL the same kinds of phenomenons occuring in MY projects as I have seen in various N64 games... Things that have not happened when I develop with DirectX.

The SNES can't possibly be TOO hard to emulate. I personally have never looked up documentation on its system architecture and functionality, but from what I see of other systems, it shan't be a great difficulty.

If by handheld you mean Game Boy Advance, there are various C compilers out there for it. There's also one for BASIC, which I haven't had a chance to look at... seeing how BASIC is my preferred language anyways. (That's right. I've written emulators in Microsoft Visual Basic. Just never released any)

You can use a GBA Flash Card to transfer ROMs from your computer to a little cartridge which can be used in a real GBA. Oxygene did that with his ST Sound demo.


Afaik, the snes is one of the hardest systems out there to emulate. Especially because of all the special chips.


Master of the Emulation Flame
Doomulation said:
Afaik, the snes is one of the hardest systems out there to emulate. Especially because of all the special chips.
Yeah, but every undocumented thing is hard to emulate.
But a SNES has most of these little things, which are so hard to emulate because they are undocumented. So I agree with doom.


New member
Fortunately, the source code for ZSNES is availible. So (I have looked myself) it isn't too hard to get out of there information on how to do MOST of the little undocumented things for the SNES.


New member
Even then, from what I've heard, its very difficult to get even one game working properly without having most of the system emulated.


New member
I couldn't help but smile when I read that post. Read it again. It's kina... obvious. While most games don't use EVERY opcode available to the processor, they do use many. Unless you were referring to the expansion modules used in chips shipped with the carts, in which case I wouldn't know. But yeah, the CPU SHOULD have sufficient implementation to emulate things properly.

Of course, writing an emulator isn't difficult so long as you DO have said documentation. There's nothing below Assembly language, so you can just scan through the ROMs with your eyeballs to find out where it tries to use something your emulator doesn't support. All you need is machine code operation, CPU memory map, data structures and SWI (BIOS function) operation if there is any. In the past four days alone I've found all that info for both the NES and the GBA. It's surprisingly available if you know what you're looking for.

But in the event of SNES, your best bet for those things undocumented would be to scan through the ZSNES source code, and scanning through someone else's source code is rarely easy. Document it yourself and you'll be a hero on the SNES scene... Methinks the guys at snes9x originally used a flash card or something like it to test their trial-and-error code on a real SNES to find out what it did.

But to answer the original question... again... DirectX and OpenGL both individually can display ALL the graphics capabilities of the SNES.


Those guys over at snes9x and zsnes are reverse-enginering the real snes. There is lots of knowledge which are not known outside from what they know.
The SNES if incredibly complex for a console. It was built with the future in mind. You won't find everything scanning through the source. If you wanted to know it, you'd have to ask, and there's plenty to know!
