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A long time & no developments

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New member
I thought after this amount of time there may have been some developments, but I guess not. Here I was hoping to play the Shenmue series thus far on my PC in all their glory...
It's such a shame people didn't give Dreamcast the recognition it deserved when it needed it. If this was the case it would still be stocked in retail and would have many many games added to it's library, shame on the people who turned their backs on Sega.
Now all we have left is second hand hardware and a primitive emulator which is far from complete. It seems there will be no further developments with this emulator either. I tried to be patient, but not anymore. I officially declare the Chankast development team suck balls, even too lazy to type "Yes it's still in development" or "no it's not in development any longer" on the forums or on their website...Seriously it would take no more than 2 minutes of their precious time...If it was me I would have the courtesy to inform people of the situation, but that's just me I guess...
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