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1964 0.9.9 Is Out!!


New member
Unfortunately you have S3 integrated graphics, so you're going to have graphics errors that are due to your S3 chipset, not incorrect settings in Rice's plugin. It sounds like you're using Glide64 and that is probably the most compatible with the S3. You might want to think about getting an inexpensive (or expensive, your choice) graphics card because you have a fast CPU that's going to be severely limited by the S3 if you do much gaming.
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Well, jollyrancher, guiverunit said that most of his games are perfect with OpenGL 1.1 on his S3 ProSavage, so THAT'S what I'm trying to do. If Rice works for him, it should work for me. I'm just hoping that someone could help me. With LOTS of tweaking, I was able to get THIS close.....Please let me know what my problems could be (besides me card).


New member
when does the new glide64 come out, im having pretty bad problems w/ jabos and rice's ive also tried a few more that werent worth the download....


Emulator Developer
jessman1988 said:
Well, jollyrancher, guiverunit said that most of his games are perfect with OpenGL 1.1 on his S3 ProSavage, so THAT'S what I'm trying to do. If Rice works for him, it should work for me. I'm just hoping that someone could help me. With LOTS of tweaking, I was able to get THIS close.....Please let me know what my problems could be (besides me card).

Btw, with your fast machine I don't think you need the frameskip and AutoCF features on :)


New member
im having pretty bad problems w/ jabos and rice's

That's odd since you have a Geforce FX 5200... my gf3, which isn't as good, had almost no problems with any of the games using a combination of Jabo's and Rice's. What are some examples of these problems?


Hello, Its been about a year since I last posted :unsure:
I try to figure this out by myself but I could use some help.




As you can see I am having some texture problems?
The games will work or work better with Jobo's Plugins.
But Rice's look so much better. :D Does anyone have an
idea on what I could do to fix this? I have tried trouble
shooting with the different setting in the video plugin with
no luck. I can't enable SSE. reason: no hardware support.
What is SSE? Any help would be great. So far 1964
rocks! They have done a great job!
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schibo said:
Btw, with your fast machine I don't think you need the frameskip and AutoCF features on :)

Well, again, look at my GFX card. It sucks my pc's power out and makes it seem like a 60mhz with your average GeForce card. I'm getting a GeForce soon (and that should help me some, but I just want to figure out how to get a good emulation experience in the meantime. When I heard that someone else with an S3 ProSavage was getting good accuracy with Rice's plugin, I wanted to know EXACLTY wtf he did to make it look right. I'm sorry for my constant complaining, but Rice's plugin is UNPLAYABLE no matter what game I use. Please help.

Just look at this Rice pic. This is with OpenGL 1.1. If I use DirectX or ANY other setup with Rice, I can't even see anything. I understand that my card is low-level, but is Glide64 with a Evoodoo REALLY my only option? The second pic is with Glide. It's almost 100% accurate, but it's SO SLOW at 640x480! I can't stand playing games at 320x240 to get it at the appropriate frame-rate.

Sigh...oh well. I'm sorry for bothering you all. Forget it.
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That Damn Good
That's odd since you have a Geforce FX 5200... my gf3, which isn't as good, had almost no problems with any of the games using a combination of Jabo's and Rice's. What are some examples of these problems?

I don't think rice's plugin supports the fx5200 very good because I get bad graphics in almost every game I try with it. A couple of examples of this would be missing textures and lines throughout goldeneye. I have tried almost every setting with the plugin with no luck. If anyone has got it working good with an fx5200, can you tell me what settings you are using.


Active member
Mystic Gohan said:
I don't think rice's plugin supports the fx5200 very good because I get bad graphics in almost every game I try with it. A couple of examples of this would be missing textures and lines throughout goldeneye. I have tried almost every setting with the plugin with no luck. If anyone has got it working good with an fx5200, can you tell me what settings you are using.

On my GeForceFX 5600 (same features as 5200 essentially) I can get Goldeneye 007 nigh-on perfect using Rice's plugin, using Direct X everything default, SW T&L unchecked.

(Note: I must use Nineteen64's frameskip in order to get fullspeed since it's very slow on my computer with Rice's)

I've found that sometimes that SW T&L is needed with some games (Ocarina of Time) with my card to improve the accuracy somewhat.
Has anyone had any luck getting gauntlet legends to work? It still freezes when entering levels and the screen flickers, although it does run faster.


New member
With the gf3, Jabo's video plugin (the fixed one from the PJ64 SP1) works great on most of the games and Rice's, while not as compatible with my gf3, works real well with several of the games that don't work good with Jabo's (Beetle Racing, All Star Baseball 2000, NFL Blitz, Madden 99, etc). So it was just surprising to read that someone with a Geforce 5200 was having all kinds of graphics problems with a combination of those two plugins. Off the top of my head the only ones I can't get to work great are Mario Golf/Tennis and Paper Mario.


New member
Thanks for the release! I only have two questions:

1) I just quickly tried Goldeneye, and as soon as I launch the game, I lose control of the 1964 menu buttons, and to exit the game (or change options) I have to kill the process and restart. Maybe it's just a case of me not reading the manual though, or is this a problem?

2) This might just be an inherent problem with the N64, but I'm trying to set up traditional PC FPS controls on Goldeneye, and I have everything working except the mouse aim, it's always too laggy even when I bump up the sensitivity levels.


WOW! I never knew that there was a secret inverted mario kart level and...Metal Mario is unlockable!!! PSSSSSH! Yeah right. Darnit! Well, guys, just answer me this please. When ninteen64's help file says that a GF2 or higher is recommended, does that mean that Rice's plugin will look proper with a GF2MX? Sorry everyone. Also, does anyone have ideas to get the frameskip to work better? It works in "bursts" for me, like a throbbing FS. It'll run full speed with FS for 1 sec, and then go with no frame-skip for 3 secs. It keeps doing this with most of my games, rendering gameplay...REALLY sucky!


Active member
jessman1988 said:
When ninteen64's help file says that a GF2 or higher is recommended, does that mean that Rice's plugin will look proper with a GF2MX?

Yes. A GeForce 2 would look pretty much perfect with Rice's plugin from what I can tell. There isn't exactly much you can do to improve your Savage with Rice's plugin since it's below spec. and doesn't support enough features that Rice's plugin requires to work. Using lower combiners in both DirectX and OpenGL could improve the quality a bit with some simple games.


New member
Note to people with Nvidia cards.
I have a GeForce FX 5200. All the games I have tried have worked perfectly with Jabos D3d 1.5 plugin.
No offense Rice, but Jabos works better for me atm. I bet in no time your plugin will be a lot better.


New member
Sorry, I should have said near perfect. The marios hat thing is weird I cant find another problem in the game. The transparent walls are in pilot wings too and speed, height and time are also missing. But both are still playable. I gave up trying to geting it perfect earlier this week and bought an ATI Radeon 9200SE that was going cheap, but it can't be delivered till next week. I sugest you do the same


Emutalk Bounty Hunter.
I have no complaints so far, with the exception that 5.2.0 is not a Radeon fan but I too have confidence that it will be fixed in 5.2.1, cheers to you guys, amazing work
