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zilmar's claim that not a lot was done with the open-source


Panda Love Unit
"though you may know, not a great deal happened with the v1.4 source.."

On the contrary, kaillera support was made possible thanks to the open source, and that was the best thing ever, to play N64 games (like smash bros.) over the internet. I am a huge Smash Bros fan, and to finally be able to play against anyone on the net was freaking awesome, all thanks to open-source.

Unfortunately no versions past 1.4 are open-source, so there are no radically improved versions since the original Project64k.

So in closing, open-source rocked my world thanks to kaillera support for pj64. It would be nice if it could see some updates based on 1.5 or 1.6...


Emutalk Member
i wrote that, based on conversations with zilmar. we are not happy with it being used for xbox stuff, the way it was used.
the only thing we are happy with (that i know of) is the USF player.
and a large part of it not being used, is that the way its written is very difficult to understand, thats no one elses fault.

we know people want netplay. netplay might be on our todo.
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