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Zelda games on Nemu64 0.8


New member
Great work guys.. the 2 zelda games are running perfectly and quite fast with Nemu 0.8 and Jabo´s Direct3D Plugin ,the items menu problem that occurs on PJ64 doesn´t occurs on Nemu. Well, since I´ve seen just the begining of the game, that was the only things I´ve notice, so can someone that has a save state, or something, tell me if other problems that those game have in other emulators does happen on Nemu too? Like the Lens of Truth or the Photo Shots on MM...
Hope this post can helps people that are making a better INI file...


New member
The pictograph box only works with framebuffer emulation. You can still use it to get the heart piece from the swamp tour guy or photograph the female pirates. Just point at what you need to take a picture of for these purposes, and give the blank photo and the recipient will think it is what they wanted.
