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Zelda 2


New member
When playing zelda 2 in 1964 i have the following problem:

When i try to select "moon's tear" from the items menu i cant get there.

I can only cycle trought the menus but not inside each one

Could you explain this to me?



16-bit Corpse | Moderator
There is no Zelda 2 on the N64. Zelda 2 is a NES game. I suppose you mean Majora's Mask.

Did you try pressing B or A?


At your service, dood!
Agozer said:
I suppose you mean Majora's Mask.
Uh, Duuuuurrrrr!

You assign the moon tear to one of your C buttons, you give the thing to that Deku fellow so you can get up to the clock tower on day three. If you are unable to do this its possible you haven't set up your controls properly or you have a bad rom - or don't even have the moon tear?
