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Your favorite startup "N" logo?


New member
Until recently my favorite startup logo was Zelda, but at my wife's request I grabbed "Doubutsu no Mori (J) (!)" and I loved the "N" for this game so much I screenshotted it and made it my wallpaper. (First I used an image editor and blacked out the white "Nintendo 64r" script underneath)

The screenshot I've attached is just 320x240 and it's hard to see how pretty this logo is. There are other nice and creative uses of the logo, like Conker tearing it up with the chainsaw, but graphically I think this one is the most attractive. If the idea of having a sweet "N" logo as your rig's wallpaper sounds cool, give "Doubutsu no Mori" a try.

Anyway, what's your favorite "N" logo?


Alice in Chains Fan
The Normal to Chrome N64 Logo from Perfect Dark would be mine, but I don't have a picture of it :(

BTW: linker's Personal Picture is another good one. Not forgeting OOT's!


Not a Moderator
Smiff, what game does that one come from?

And for that matter, everyone who posts their fav spinny N tell us what game you got it from :)
