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Wii Countdown


At your service, dood!
That is really weird, 23/4/7 0:0:0 is a valid date for dd/mm/yy. Here's another try, now I make the program use an alternate time format if the first one doesn't work. As for your app, installed that package and I got the same error. Here's a screenshot of the error I get.

My program checks to see if the first format works, if it doesn't it defaults to MM/DD/YYYY format. This app works on my brothers machine so i'm fairly sure what the issue is, whether its fixed or not is another issue.
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Same error.
And on your error, also weird. Because that message says the runtime isn't installed.

UPDATE: Currently having some MFC-related errors. It seems it just doesn't like the fact that I forced MFC into the project even though it isn't "supported."
Guess I'll have to try non-MFC dialogs.
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At your service, dood!
Well i'm converting a string like '23/04/07 00:00:00' to TDateTime using the StrToDateTime in Delphi, obviously it is failing, I do not understand why, I check for the error and it should switch to '04/23/07 00:00:00' for you; What exactly is the date format that your progamming language defaults to?


I don't know how you do it, but I use typical DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS date. As for my program, I assemble the date myself without any extra function to do it for me.

UPDATE: OK, so I figured out why MFC asserted, but now the dialog in not drawn properly :/
I'm going to try later or tomorrow.
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At your service, dood!
Ok one last ditch effort to fix it for today, I found out I need to set some more locale settings - when the program starts I set those to the same as my system; All date formatting crap, might work anyway try it out (make sure you grab it from THIS post not the ones above):


At your service, dood!
Excellent, if you find any more bugs tell me about em and i'll try my best to fix them. Can't wait to try your countdown app. Would you be able to put the zip of my app on your first post on this thread? thanks. Maybe you can make it relevant by setting the date to the Wii in the app and uploading it with the ini file.
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I added your app and my own ones to the first post.
Is it just me or is EmuTalk really slow?


Yeah, but was very sluggish yesterday when attempting to update the first post. It didn't respond most of the time and it took nearly 10 minutes or so to update it.


Added new archives updated with a new version of the countdowns. It is now possible to quit it without killing it via Task Manager. I hope it will start now, as well. Options dialog now complete and always on top is under construction. I'm only posting it here because these new builds will hopefully RUN without Visual Studio installed.


At your service, dood!
I've decided to upgrade my app again, this time i've given it a face lift (litterally, see pics, notice? No Windows GUI), dropped the ini in favour of assosiating the program with ".clo" files, I call em clock files, essentially just an Ini file but the program will open them. I've created an installer which installs the app and assosiates it with the .clo files.

The system tray icon will remain as long as the app is open and you can only close the app by right clicking that. Your thoughts on this thing? I had to zip my .clo files as emutalk wouldn't let me upload em. Theres one for christmas and wii's launch in the UK and you can create your own if you wish, i'll be able to use em.

Oh yeah and if you want to drag the window about, click anywhere and drag :p
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Keeper of The Iron Tail
Not to burst your bubble or anything, but... go to Konfabulator - Gallery, then get yourself Konfabulator (aka Yahoo Widget Engine) and it can be on your desktop all day. ;)

If I understand Doom's date problem correctly, it is because months are not always the same length. Sure, weeks are always 7 days, but months are 28,30,31. Heck even counting years doesn't make sense, because they are 365.25 days on average (minus ~26 seconds). So there are two ways to do it - either you take the absolute difference and divide out the average days to get the month/year count. Or you can subtract the cardinal month/year numbers, so Feb 4 is always 1.0000 months away from Mar 4, regardless of number of days in a month. And then when someone sees 2006 Oct 5 - 2009 Nov 5, it will be exactly 3 years 1 month 0 days 0 secs, as expected. But doesn't really matter I suppose, it's just for fun :D.


At your service, dood!
Think of it this way, with my app you don't need Konfabulator. Mine is stand alone and should be faster than a Konfabulator one if Konfabulator is a script engine (I think it is, not sure). I hate Konfabulator anyway i've tried it once and I absolutely hated it, it was unstable and crap, at least my app works.

It only took me six hours to make that so what do I care? I'd like to see someone do beter in that amount of time ;) - That and I can make it better, add sounds, new graphics loading ability, transparency, all within my coding ability. If I really wanted to I could investigate making it draw on the desktop background, but I don't care that much.
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Not to burst your bubble or anything, but... go to Konfabulator - Gallery, then get yourself Konfabulator (aka Yahoo Widget Engine) and it can be on your desktop all day. ;)

If I understand Doom's date problem correctly, it is because months are not always the same length. Sure, weeks are always 7 days, but months are 28,30,31. Heck even counting years doesn't make sense, because they are 365.25 days on average (minus ~26 seconds). So there are two ways to do it - either you take the absolute difference and divide out the average days to get the month/year count. Or you can subtract the cardinal month/year numbers, so Feb 4 is always 1.0000 months away from Mar 4, regardless of number of days in a month. And then when someone sees 2006 Oct 5 - 2009 Nov 5, it will be exactly 3 years 1 month 0 days 0 secs, as expected. But doesn't really matter I suppose, it's just for fun :D.

We're doing it for fun, as otherwise we'd all be using the first Rev countdown I linked to.

ScottJC said:
If I really wanted to I could investigate making it draw on the desktop background, but I don't care that much.
I could help you with that, if you wanted to.
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