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While all the people are enjoying its games, im still stuck trying to configure your plugin, 'cause it's seems not work on my nVidia TNT2 M64 Pro, Its gave me infinite errors and i've been tried whit all conbiners, and with D3d and OGL, and continue givin me very bad colors, and very weird colors on OGL (e.g. when i load Yoshi's Story, the "nintendo logo" dont appear, and where suppose to be the "opening book", i can only see a cyan screen, and whit D3D the shadows of yoshies are white!!!). there are to much errors more....

I want to know the properly configuration of this plugin with my video card, Someone can help me????

Im using PJ64, and the lastest nVidia DetonatorXP.
1) why??? do you post this in the 1964-forum?

2) Use PJ64 1.5 or 1964 0.85 with Jabo's 1.5 as video, that might be better for your video-card, and unselect hide advanced-options. Choose on advanced "force normal blending".

Chibi Nick

Emutalk Member
mightyrocket said:
1) why??? do you post this in the 1964-forum?

2) Use PJ64 1.5 or 1964 0.85 with Jabo's 1.5 as video, that might be better for your video-card, and unselect hide advanced-options. Choose on advanced "force normal blending".
I think he's talking about Rice's plug-in... which is why he posted here

... I think



Prepare for Descent.
I think you should use older video driver on your TNT2 because well on my GF2, I get bad performance with the newest drivers...also this could fix some gfx problems you have...oh and btw, did you select the Renderer (or Combiner I can't remember atm) that is for a TNT/TNT2/GeForce? That could help greatly with your gfx problems...also maybe the Yoshi's Story doesn't work well with Rice's plugin. Have you tried other games? Do they have the same problems?


New member
Yeah i´ve used all the combiners, in OpenGL(i dont know why look more weird than d3d) and D3D8.1, and ALL THE GAMES THAT I´D BEEN TRIED LOOK BAD,

but while Rice prepare the next version, I'll continue using Jabo 1.4 , 'cause it work best with my chipset. Thanks

(Sorry for my english, i´m italian)
