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why won't yochi's story work


New member
Tochi's story won't work for ANY emulator, or else the emulator won't work for me!

PLEASE I would be the world's most happiest guy if someone could help me!

In the game list, I see "not playable - uCode not supported" for yochi's story

Something wrong with the plugin or something else?


thomaz said:
Tochi's story won't work for ANY emulator, or else the emulator won't work for me!

PLEASE I would be the world's most happiest guy if someone could help me!

In the game list, I see "not playable - uCode not supported" for yochi's story

Something wrong with the plugin or something else?

I think the ucode is not currently supported. But try glide64 0.41 with a wrapper if needed. It was said to support it. I do not know if it will work... even then.
