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Why does Super Smash Bros. not understand when I press UP?


New member
When I use the up key, my character does nothing. Not only this, but none of the opponents can jump or sprint either. I can also not attack upwards. It is as though the up directional button doesn't exist?


New member
Super smash bros differentiates between fast and slow movements of the analogue stick.
A + slow move of stick > attack in that direction
A + fast move of stick > SMASH attack in that direction
slow move up > nothing
fast move up > jump
slow move left/right > walk
fast move left/right > start sprint

SO when the stick is mapped to keys, you can't control how fast a movement is simulated (please, more experienced users, correct me if I'm wrong).

The C-buttons are an alternative jump button. Mapping your keyboard to a C-button to jump should work fine.

For other features, try mapping the analogue stick to the mouse. A game pad with an analogue stick is probably best to use but I assume you don't have one.
