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What are the best Dreamcast games?!

I wanna get some Dreamcast games so would you suggest some great games?! I already have Shenmue 1 & 2, DOA2 , Soul Calibur, Resident Evil Code Veronica


Virtua Tennis 1 & 2, SNK vs Capcom 2, Crazy Taxi, Phantasy Star Online, House of the dead 2, sonic adventure 2

some of my faves :)


Man on a mission
Honestly? More bouncy tittage and extra slutty outfits. Oh yeah you get too see Kasumi naked (or rather her clone) both in the Gen Clone machine and in combat (if you're good enough).




New member
mezkal was clearly talking about th doa2 limited edition, so dont get confused thinking wtf why dont this happen on my doa2


Guardian of Destiny
Street Fighter III third strike
Sword of the Berserk
Powerstone 2
Virtual On : Orantorio Tangram


Supar ***
the BEST game of dreamcast is soulcalibur...
go read www.gamespot.com , its a 10/10 game, only 3 games on that site have that reputation (zelda 64/ and another one in psx i couldnt remember)


Guardian of Destiny
Soul Calibur its an amazing game, but dont get too confident about someone else's review of a game. I say try it yourself, and review it with your own perception.
Of course, I agree SC is a 10/10 game, but for instance, if some guy dont like 3d fighters, then SC would NOT be a 10/10. So I rest my case.
Just judge them from your own personal experience.


New member
are there any other good survival horror games available for the DC, other than RECV?

Or are there any good adventure games, that were not ported once the DC died out?


New member
Jet Grind Radio: brilliantly original
Streetfighter 3 third strike
Rayman 2
Puzzle fighter
Marvel vs Capcom2
Powerstone 1&2
Virtua Tennis 1+2k2


New member
I think the best games are:

- Metropolis Street Racer (Racing)
- Sega Extreme Sports (Sports)
- Resident Evel - Nemisis (Horror)
- Hydro Thunder (Racing)
- Dead or Alive 2 (Fighting)
- Power Stone (Fightinh)
- Shen Mue 2 (Adenvture)
- The first Level of Sonic Adventure 1 *G (Adventure)

I have a lot more games, but they are not realy good. For Exaple: WWF Games (silly, not good to play) and Jearemy Mc Grath Supercross 2000 (verry silly game, bad stearing, shit sound)
