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what aboute the translate??


New member
to Smiff :

i can translate in Greeks the whole help files in the origin format, real and FULL translate. Can i sent to you for include in the pj64 1.5 pacage or for post in your site, maybe in a new section for all the translations of all other languages?

thanks, cablecity, greece

ultramaniac, volioth vile mou, ekanes polh kalh douleia. ta leme, prokopis apo karditsa


Emutalk Member
i would post the source but the server is down, when its back it'll be on support.pj64.net / translations


Grand High Emperor
Are you talking about that weird new Greek law that prohibits video games, even though it was supposed to stop gambling or something.

From what I've heard, that would really suck. How can they make video games illegal...its inhumane.


New member
to smiff : i have allready unpack the chm files and the 30% is translated, but can you post the origin source?

gia ton volioth filo : mporoume na ta poume apo to thlefono, an nai apanthse mou sto cablecity sto hotmail na se paro thlefono or na sou doso to diko mou


New member
Wow, so if video games ARE illegal, then what about all those Greek people who already have a console + games, will this make them break the law?
Just curious, no offence to Greek. But sometimes there are many outreagous law which never make sense...


In the US that would be an Ex Post Facto law, in essence an after the fact law, a law that says that if you did something in the past like drink when you were 18 (it was legal in the US until like the 70s) they could come after you today (You have to be 21 now... in most states.. like michigan :( ) and put you in jail for drinking when you were underage.
